How to Record a Pod Cast
by Wesley Buerkle
(so, you get what you get)


1. Get the Necessary Software
The most common program used to record pod casts is a FREE download called Audacity. This is, in fact, the program recommended for use at ETSU. The file is about 2.2 megs, so not too big. The following steps are basically for you to follow the links given and download and install as the pages instruct. If there are problems in the process, let me know ASAP.


2. Secure a Microphone for Yourself
Any microphone that will plug into or is built into you computer will do.


3. Start Using Audacity
When Audacity opens, you are ready to go—no need to do File>New.
Open or download this PDF file for some illustrations from me on using audacity.


4. Turn in the File
When you have saved the file, you can
A. bring it to me on a thumb drive.
B. IF it is less than 3 megs, send me the file.


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C. Wesley Buerkle, Assistant Professor PO Box 70667
Communication Department, East Tennessee State University Johnson City, TN 37614 (423) 439-7579