Grammar Help from Wesley Buerkle

The following are suggestions based on common errors I see in student work. Please always ask for clarification or help whenever you need it. The Writing Center is also a wonderful resource that should not go untapped.


Commas | And, But, . . . | That/Which | Who/Whom | Good/Well | etc. | i.e., & e.g., | Italics | Ellipses



This poor little punctuation mark gets abused regularly. Help end comma abuse. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

For the purposes of writing research papers, commas generally perform three functions

Use 1: Commas separate items in a series.

Use 2: Commas join complete sentences together with the use of a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, so, yet, nor, for). See below for more on coordinating conjunctions.

Use 3: Commas create a clause, preposition, or other information in a sentence that would leave a complete sentence in tact if it was removed. When using a comma for this purpose, ask yourself, "If I were to cut the information inside the commas, would I still have a grammatically correct sentence?" If you would not have a complete sentence, then remove the comma(s). In the examples below you should notice that information set off by commas could be cut without affecting the grammatical structure of the sentence remaining (the essential part of each sentence is in blue).


And, but, or, so, nor, for, yet (coordinating conjunctions): Combines two complete sentences with the help of a comma.

These should not start a sentence. Notice that in the examples below one version of each idea requires a comma and one does not. Why? Because only some examples have two complete sentences.


That/which: Prepositions used to introduce clauses—note the use of commas with one but not the other.

"That" sets off clauses essential to a sentence. A clause introduced by "that" does not use a comma.

"Which" sets off clauses not essential to the sentence. A clause introduced by "which" requires a comma.


Who/whom: The equivalent to he/him and she/her.

"Who" applies to a subject (the person acting).

"Whom" applies to the object (the person being acted upon).


Good/well: Using the wrong one can sound like nails on a chalkboard.

Good is an adjective, so it describes the quality of a noun.

Well is an adverb, so it describes the quality of an action.

Misuses of good and well.


etc.: The most often misspelled (and mispronounced) abbreviation meaning "and so forth."

The abbreviation stands for "et cetera," often mispronounced "excetra." Never use "etc." with the word "and" since "et" means "and." If "etc." completes a sentence be sure to include a period that ends the abbreviation and one that ends the sentence (see first example). This should typically be used in parentheses as a matter of form.


i.e., and e.g.,: The most often misunderstood Latin abbreviations used for in-sentence clarification.

"i.e.," translates as "that is" (from the Latin "ist et".). Use when you want to add specifics to something referenced generally or unclearly. Place primarily in parenthesis and always followed by a comma. This does not mean "for example."

"e.g.," translates as "for example" (from the Latin "exemplar grata"). Use when you want to provide examples of something referenced generally. Place primarily in parenthesis and always followed by a comma. 


Italics: Used for emphasis and bibliographic citations.

Italics and underlining are one in the same, so use only one or the other. Avoid using emphasis in your writing unless absolutely necessary. If the emphasis is within a quote, it should be replicated.


Ellipses ( . . . ): These are used when you are cutting words from a quote.

Note: If your quote ends by cutting a sentence short that still reads as a complete sentence, ellipses are not necessary.

The samples below come from Herman Melville's Moby Dick, p. 63. Please forgive me for cutting such a beautiful piece of prose.

Use 1: Cutting words from the middle of the same sentence. In this case you use three periods with a space between each and the words before and after the ellipses.

Use 2: Cutting one sentence short and jumping to a subsequent sentence. In this case use four periods with a space between each, the preceding word, and before the next sentence.

Use 3: Cutting one or two sentences following a complete sentence. After the period ending the preceding sentence, use three periods with a space between each and the first word of the next sentence.

Use 4: Rare (i.e., you should probably avoid). Use when you are quoting a sentence and your quote and your introductory words together do not form a complete sentence. Again, do not use unless you know what you are doing.


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C. Wesley Buerkle, Assistant Professor PO Box 70667
Communication Department, East Tennessee State University Johnson City, TN 37614 (423) 439-7579

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