ENGL 2210



11:15AM - 12:35PM

203 BURLESON HALL           




Instr:   Dr. Phyllis Thompson

Office: 211 Burleson Hall

Hours: TR 12:35-1PM, 3:35-4PM, WF 9-11AM & by appointment

Email:  thompsop@etsu.edu

Phone: 423.439.6678










Week I

Introduction to the Middle Ages (to c. 1485)


Jan 15

Introduction to Course Contents, Materials, & Requirements

“The Wanderer”   (NAEL 111-113)


Jan 17



Week 2

Old English Epic


Jan 22

Introduction to the Middle Ages (NAEL 1-21)

“The Dream of the Rood” (NAEL 27-29), “Judith” (NAEL 100-108), "The Wife's Lament" (NAEL 113-114)

DW1: Cultural Presentation—

See syllabus for requirements, tips, and a list of potential topics


Jan 24

Beowulf (NAEL 29-64)

Using DW2 as a starting point, we’ll begin Writer’s Chart assignment in class.

DW2: Thesis/Topic Sentences


Week 3

Middle English Romance


Jan 29

Beowulf (NAEL 64-100)

Using DW3 as a starting point, we’ll discuss how to use Writer’s Chart to strengthen topic sentences, evidence, significance, and use of transitions to construct well-developed paragraphs.

DW3: Writer’s Chart

Jan 31

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Parts 1 & 2 (NAEL 160-185)

DW4: Paragraph w/Writer’s Chart


Week 4

Pilgrims' Tales


Feb 5

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Part 3 (NAEL 185-213)

CP: Findlay & Woodruff--Sport

Feb 7

Geoffrey Chaucer's  The Canterbury Tales: "The General Prologue,"  "The Miller's Prologue & Tale" (NAEL 213-255, 239-255) Test-Taking Tips & Tidbits Rev Session

DW 5: Pilgrim Assignment: ______

CP: King & Lovell--Fashion

Week 5

Mystical Visions, a Medieval Housewife, and a Spiritual Autobiography


Feb 12

Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales: “The Wife of Bath’s Tale”  (NAEL 256-84) Julian of Norwich's A Book of Showings (NAEL 371-382)

Margery Kemp's The Book of Margery Kemp (NAEL 383-397)—probably out.

Writers’ Workshop: What Everybody Wants to Know about How-To Analyze Drafts, Strengthen Arguments, & Document Sources (AKA How To Get an “A” in 2210.)

DW6: Complete Draft

CP: Towe—Knights

CP: Davis--Architecture

Feb 14

Exam 1: The Middle Ages

Exam 1, today.

Week 6

Introduction to the Sixteenth Century (1485-1603)


Feb 19

Introduction to the Sixteenth Century (NAEL 485-511)

The English Bible & the Literature of the Sacred (NAEL 616-21, 625-27, 632-35) Women in Power: Mary Tudor, Jane Grey, Mary Queen of Scots, QE1(NAEL 662-94)

CP:EichornWoodring—Politics QE1

Feb 21

Christopher Marlowe’s “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love” (NAEL 1022)

Sir Walter Ralegh’s “The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd” (NAEL 917-18)

William Shakespeare's Sonnets #18, 20, 23, 29, 71, 130  (NAEL 1058+)

Paper #1: Literary Analysis due

CP: Kagarise—Architecture

Week 7

Shakespeare's Play-Texts


Feb 26

Three Adaptations of Twelfth Night—Kent (1911), Gorrie (1980), and Nun (1996)

William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, Acts I-II (NAEL 1077-1108)

Introduce Poetry Explication Project and Context Assignment

CP: Cheney--Witchcraft

Feb 28

William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, Acts III-V (NAEL 1108-1139)


DW 7: Proposal

CP: Shepherd--Medicine

Week 8

Spring Break  


Mar 4

Spring Break Holiday


Mar 6

Spring Break Holiday


Week 9

Intro to the Seventeenth Century (1603-1660)


Mar 11

Introduction to the Early Seventeenth Century (NAEL 1235-1257)

Aemilia Lanyer's poems  (NAEL 1313-19) and the apocryphal backstories. You won’t want to miss this class!  Also, check out “The Gender Wars” (NAEL 1543-49)

DW 8: The Poem & its Contexts


Mar 13

John Donne's "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning," Holy Sonnets #10, #14

(NAEL 1260-2, 1267-8,1275-6, 1283-4, 1296-8)

DW9: Annotation of Poem

CP: Capps & Colwell—Daily Life

Week 10

The Seventeenth Century (continued)


Mar 18

George Herbert's "Easter Wings," "The Altar" (NAEL 1605-7, 1609)

Robert Herrick's "Corinna's Going A-Maying," (NAEL 1658-9)

Abraham Cowley’s “Ode: Of Wit” (NAEL 1687-90)

Andrew Marvell's "To His Coy Mistress" (NAEL 1703-4)

CP: Owens—Daily Life

Mar 20

Katherine Philips' "A Married State" (NAEL 1690+)

John Milton’s Paradise Lost, selections (TBA)

Newspapers and Reporting the News: The Execution of Charles I (NAEL 1737-44)

CP: Campbell—Education

Week 11

Exam #2 and Intro to the Restoration & Eighteenth Century (1660-1785)


Mar 25

Intro to The Restoration & The Eighteenth Century (NAEL 2057-80)

Samuel Pepys' Diary (NAEL 2133-42)

Jonathan Swift's "A Description of the Morning" (handout)

William Hogarth's The Four Times of Day (handout)

CP: Taylor--Food


Mar 27

Exam #2: The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries


Week 12

Sex and Slavery


Apr 1

John Wilmot's “Satyre” (handout), "Imperfect Enjoyment" (NA 2167-71)

Aphra Behn's "The Disappointment" (NAEL 2178-83), Oroonoko (NAEL 2183-06)

DW10: Writer’s Workshop—draft

CP: Ramsey--Fashion

Apr 3

Aphra Behn's Oroonoko (NAEL 2206-26)

Olaudah Equiano’s Interesting Narrative of the Life…(NAEL 2828-29, 2850-60)

Writer’s Workshop II: Workshopping Analysis Paragraphs

CP: Rowland--Music

Week 13

Writing on Wit & The Debate on Women


Apr 8

John Locke’s Essay Concerning Human Understanding, 2.11.2 (handout)

John Dryden's "MacFlecknoe" (NAEL 2111-17, 2125-29)

Addison and Steele on “Wit” from The Spectator (NAEL 2481-2485, 2468-78)

Paper #2: Poetry Explication due

CP: Riffe—Punishment/Law

Apr 10

Eliza Haywood’s The Female Spectator (handout)

Mary Astell's "Reflections on Marriage" (NAEL 2284-88)

Swift and Montagu, Pope and Ingram (NAEL 2589-09)

CP: Name—Hunting & Fishing

Week 14

Sexual Politics: Marriage, Money, and Cultural Critique


Apr 15

Alexander Pope’s “The Rape of the Lock” (NAEL 2493-96, 2513-32)

CP: Rannick—Inventions

Apr 17

John Gay’s The Beggar’s Opera (NAEL 2611-56)

CP: Tipton—Interiors & Furniture

Week 15

Language, Literature & Scenes from Daily Life


Apr 22

William Hogarth's Marriage a la Mode (NAEL 2656-63)

Samuel Johnson's Dictionary, Shakespeare, Lives (2664-6, 2749-64, 2766-8, 2774-7)


Apr 24

Fanny Burney's Journals and Letters (NAEL 2810-16, 2822-27)

Putting it all together: Wrapping up.


Week 16

APR 29


Final Exam Week: Exam #3: The Restoration & Eighteenth Century



Time: 8-10AM

Location:   203 Burleson Hall



Please note that this daily schedule is tentative.  Reading selections and due dates

may be revised in order to meet the specific needs and interests of this class.