Producing the Eighteenth-Century Book: Writers and Publishers in England,
Editors: Laura Runge and Pat Rogers
This volume includes twelve essays on the history of the book in the long
eighteenth century that collectively argue for the importance of integrating
literary scholarship and the various practices of book history. Themes include:
a rectification of the tendency in literary studies to be blind to the
materiality of the book; a focus on the ways that eighteenth-century
expectations for books differ from contemporary ideas; the identification of the
roles of writers and publishers as reciprocal and competing; the development of
modern conventions of the material book; the ways in which the forms of books
inform and influence literature and vice versa; the significance of commercial
pressures on eighteenth-century book production; the parallels to be drawn
between the eighteenth-century expansion of print and our own transformation to
digital media. Detailed attention is given to Pope, Manley, Johnson, Richardson,
Burney, Curll, and Dodsley among others. The book contains thirty-five
illustrations. Laura L. Runge is a professor of English and Director of Graduate
Studies at the University of South Florida. Pat Rogers is DeBartolo Professor in
the Liberal Arts at the University of South Florida.
October 2009 ISBN 978-0-87413-069-0 $54.50