I. Purpose of Pulmonary Function Testing
Pulmonary Function Testing has been a major step forward in assessing the functional
status of the lungs as it relates to :
The primary instrument used in pulmonary function testing is the spirometer. It is
designed to measure changes in volume and can only measure lung volume compartments
that exchange gas with the atmosphere. Spirometers with electronic signal outputs
(pneumotachs) also measure flow (volume per unit of time). A device is usually always
attached to the spirometer which measures the movement of gas in and out of the chest
and is referred to as a spirograph. Sometimes the spirograph is replaced by a printer like
the unit used in this laboratory. The resulting tracing is called a spirogram. Many
computerized systems have complex spirographs or printouts that show the predicted
values next to the observed values (the values actually measured). The unit will have in
memory all of the prediction tables for males and females across all age groups. In
sophisticated spirometers, there maybe special tables of normal values programmed into
the machine for selection when Blacks, children or other groups are being tested who
may vary from the normal PFT tables established for caucasian adults.
Over the last several decades much research has been undertaken to determine what are
the normal values for lung volumes and lung capacities. This has made spirometry very
useful since now we know that we can compare the patient's PFT results with those
measured on thousands and thousands of "normal" adults. By having tables of normal
values, it is then easy to compare the severity of the disease process or the rate of
recovery taking place in the patient's lungs. There are a few variables such as age, gender
and body size which have an impact on the lung function of one individual compared to
IV. Terminology and Definitions
FVC - Forced Vital Capacity - after the patient has taken in the deepest possible breath,
this is the volume of air which can be forcibly and maximally exhaled out of the lungs
until no more can be expired. FVC is usually expressed in units called liters. This PFT
value is critically important in the diagnosis of obstructive and restrictive diseases.
FEV1 - Forced Expiratory Volume in One Second - this is the volume of air which can be
forcibly exhaled from the lungs in the first second of a forced expiratory manuever. It is
expressed as liters. This PFT value is critically important in the diagnosis of obstructive
and restrictive diseases.
FEV1/FVC - FEV1 Percent (FEV1%) - This number is the ratio of FEV1 to FVC - it
indicates what percentage of the total FVC was expelled from the lungs during the first
second of forced exhalation - this number is called FEV1%, %FEV1 or FEV1/FVC ratio.
This PFT value is critically important in the diagnosis of obstructive and restrictive
FEV3 - Forced Expiratory Volume in Three Seconds - this is the volume of air which can
be forcibly exhaled in three seconds - measured in Liters - this volume usually is fairly
close to the FVC since, in the normal individual, most of the air in the lungs can be
forcibly exhaled in three seconds.
FEV3/FVC - FEV3% - This number is the ratio of FEV3 to the FVC - it indicates what
percentage of the total FVC was expelled during the first three seconds of forced
exhalation. This is called %FEV3 or FEV3%.
PEFR - Peak Expiratory Flow Rate - this is maximum flow rate achieved by the patient
during the forced vital capacity maneuver beginning after full inspiration and starting and
ending with maximal expiration - it can either be measured in L/sec or L/min - this is a
useful measure to see if the treatment is improving obstructive diseases like
bronchoconstriction secondary to asthma.
FEF - Forced Expiratory Flow - Forced expiratory Flow is a measure of how much air
can be expired from the lungs. It is a flow rate measurement. It is measured as
liters/second or liters/minute. The FVC expiratory curve is divided into quartiles and
therefore there is a FEF that exists for each quartile. The quartiles are expressed as
FEF25%, FEF50%, and FEF75% of FVC.
FEF25% - This measurement describes the amount of air that was forcibly expelled
in the first 25% of the total forced vital capacity test.
FEF50% - This measurement describes the amount of air expelled from the lungs
during the first half (50%) of the forced vital capacity test. This test is useful when
looking for obstructive disease. The amount of air that will have been expired in an
obstucted patient is smaller than that measured in a normal patient.
FEF25%-75% - This measurement describes the amount of air expelled from the lungs
during the middle half of the forced vital capacity test. Many physicians like to look at
this value because it is an indicator of obstructive disease.
MVV - Maximal Voluntary Ventilation - this value is determined by having the patient
breathe in and out as rapidly and fully as possible for 12 -15 seconds - the total volume of
air moved during the test can be expressed as L/sec or L/min - this test parameter reflects
the status of the respiratory muscles, compliance of the thorax-lung complex, and airway
resistance. Surgeons like this test value because it is a quick and easy way to assess the
strength of the patient's pulmonary musculature prior to surgery - a poor performance on
this test suggests that the patient may have pulmonary problems postoperatively due to
muscle weakness. MVV can therefore be viewed as a measure of respiratory muscle
strength. One major cautionary note is that this test is effort dependant and therefore can
be a poor predictor of true pulmonary strength and compliance.
V. What Can A PFT Be Used For ?
Pulmonary function abnormalities can be grouped into two main categories : obstructive
and restrictive defects. This grouping of defects is based on the fact that the routine
spirogram measures two basic components - air flow and volume of air out of the lungs.
Generally the idea is that if flow is impeded, the defect is obstructive and if volume is
reduced, a restrictive defect may be the reason for the pulmonary disorder.
Obstructed Airflow
The patency (dilatation or openness) is estimated by measuring the flow of air as the
patient exhales as hard and as fast as possible. Flow through the tubular passageways of
the lung can be reduced for a number of reasons:
Restricted Airflow
"Restriction" in lung disorders always means a decrease in lung volumes. This term can
be applied with confidence to patients whose total lung capacity has been measured and
found to be significantly reduced. Total lung capacity is the volume of air in the lungs
when the patient has taken a full inspiration. You cannot measure TLC by spirometry
because air remains in the lungs at the end of a maximal exhalation - i.e. the residual
volume or RV. The TLC is therefore the summation of FVC + RV. There are a variety of
restrictive disorders which are as follow :
A. Intrinsic Restrictive Lung Disorders
VI. Criterion for Obstructive and Restrictive Disease
Forced Vital Capacity : Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) is the amount of air that can be
maximally and forcibly expelled from the lungs after a maximal inhalation. If the patient
has an obstructive disease, the amount of air in the lungs will not be readily exhaled
because of physical obstruction and airway collapse during exhalation (loss of elastic
recoil of the lungs). FVC is, therefore, an important PFT value to look at when evaluating
the presence of obstructive pathology. In obstructive diseases, the lung's air volume will
be more slowly expelled and will be a smaller volume over the time course of the FVC
test than would be expected in a normal, healthy individual.
In patients with restrictive lung disease, the FVC will be smaller because the amount of
air that can be forcefully inhaled or exhaled from the lungs is smaller to start with
because of disease. This may be due to the fact that thoracic cage does not have the
ability to expand very much. FVC will therefore be smaller due to mechanical
limitations. However, since FVC will be smaller in obstructive disorders and in restrictive
disorders (usually no one worries about the FVC unless it is 80% - 85% of predicted
volumes), FVC alone cannot be used to diagnose obstructive and restrictive disorders all
by itself. If the patient demonstrates a reduced FVC, the patient may repeat the test after
inhaling a bronchodilator. The bronchodilator dilates the bronchial passages and reduces
airflow obstruction. The post-bronchodilator test often shows an improved FVC - often
times a 10% - 15% improvement. This simple clinical test strongly suggests that the FVC
was low due to obstructive phenomenon. If the FVC did not change, it suggests the FVC
was possibly low due to restrictive pathologies.
Another strategy that can help you decide if the low FVC is due to obstructive or
restrictive processes is to have the patient perform a Slow Vital Capacity (SVC) Test.
This test is performed by having the patient slowly and completely blow out all of the air
from their lungs. The SVC test eliminates the strong bronchoconstriction that usually
accompanies a strong forced exhalatory effort. Hence, the vital capacity of the patient
may well be much larger after a SVC test because there is little or no airway collapse
during a controlled and slow exhalatory effort. If the vital capacity improves after a SVC
test, then it can be assumed that the original small FVC was caused by airway collapse
and does not indicate the presence of restrictive disease. If the vital capacity does not
improve either with the inhalation of a bronchodilator or does not improve with the
administration of a SVC test, then restrictive pathologies must be considered as a possible
cause for the small vital capacity results.
Forced Expiratory Volume in One Second : Forced Expiratory Volume in One Second
(FEV1) is the amount of air that is forcefully exhaled in the first second of the FVC test.
In general, it is common in healthy individuals to be able to expell 75% - 80 % of their
vital capacity in the first second of the FVC test. Hence, FEV1 is a pulmonary function
value that is highly diagnostic of obstructive disease - i.e. - if an individual's FEV1 is low
compared to the predicted FEV1 in the normal population, the individual may have an
obstructive lung disease. FEV1 is also expressed as a ratio or a percentage of the FVC
and is written as %FEV1 or as FEV1/FVC. If the individual being tested displays a low
FEV1 and the FEV1% is low, then the clinician should suspect the presence of
obstructive pathologies.
In patients with restrictive lung disease, the FEV1 will be lower than predicted normal
values and so will the FVC. Since both of these values may equally be effected in
restrictive disease, the %FEV1 may well be calculated to be between 85% - 100% of
normal. Hence, in restrictive disease look closely at %FEV1 when FEV1 and FVC are
low and if the %FEV1 is 85% or greater, then you should suspect the patient has a
restrictive pathology.
Forced Expiratory Flow 25 % to 75 % : Forced Expiratory Flow 25% - 75% (FEF25%-
75%) is a measure of the flow rate in liters per second of the middle half of a FVC test.
This test is a sensitive test for the presence of obstructive airway disease. The value of
looking at the middle half becomes clear when you realize that the first quarter of the
FVC test is in part effected by the patient's effort in overcoming the inertial forces which
resist thoracic wall expansion. Additionally, the expiratory effort in the last quarter of a
FVC test is polluted by the patient's diminishing physical effort, the instigation of
bronchospasm during forced expiration and the breathlessness associated with the
terminal completion of a FVC test. Hence, the FEF25%-75% (middle 50% of a PFT) is
the most representative of true expiratory patency and is therefore a very sensitive test for
the presence of obstructive disease.
Peak Expiratory Flow Rate : Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR) is a measure of the
highest expiratory flow rate during the PFT test. It is measured in liters of air expired per
second or liters of air expired per minute. Since it is a measure of the peak or maximum
flow of expired air, it becomes a sensitive test for the presence of obstructive disease.
Patients with a low PEFR would have to be further evaluated for obstructive
VII. How Do You Tell If The Patient Is Normal or Has Mild, Moderate or Severe
Pulmonary Disease ?
There are a number of systems which physicians use to determine the severity of disease.
Here is just one way that is very commonly used :
VIII. The PFT Before and After Aerosol Bronchodilators
Patients are almost always tested twice - once before bronchodilators are given and once
after one is administered. This is a nice way to evaluate the amount of
bronchoconstriction that was present and how responsive the patient was to a
bronchodilator medication. This assesses the degree of reversibility of the airway
obstruction. The drug that is nearly always used is a Beta-2 selective sympathomimetic
because it is a drug that causes bronchodilation but which does not stimulate the heart to
any great degree. After the drug has been administered, the PFT is repeated. If two out of
three measurements (FVC, FEV1 and FEF25% - 75%) improve, then it can be said that
the patient has a reversible airway obstruction that is responsive to medication. The
amount of improvement is variable between clinics but some standards are presented
Pulmonary Function Tests - A Systematic Way To Interpretation
There is a systematic way to read the PFT and be able to evaluate it for the presence of
obstructive or restrictive disease. The following steps will be helpful.
Pulmonary Function Testing
Pulmonary Function Tests are used for the following reasons :
b. are known to have pulmonary disease
c. are obese (as in pathologically obese)
d. have a history of smoking, cough or wheezing
e. will be under anesthesia for a lengthy period of time
f. are undergoing an abdominal or a thoracic operation
II. Equipment
III. "Normal Values"
1. Sarcoidosis
B. Extrinsic Restrictive Lung Disorders
2. Tuberculosis
3. Pnuemonectomy (loss of lung)
4. Pneumonia
1. Scoliosis, Kyphosis
C. Neuromuscular Restrictive Lung Disorders
2. Ankylosing Spondylitis
3. Pleural Effusion (fluid in the pleural cavity)
4. Pregnancy
5. Gross Obesity
6. Tumors
7. Ascites
8. Pain on inspiration - pleurisy, rib fractures
1. Generalized Weakness - malnutrition
2. Paralysis of the diaphragm
3. Myasthenia Gravis - lack of acetylcholine or too much cholinesterase at the myoneural
junction in which the nerve impulses fail to induce normal muscular contraction. These
patients suffer from fatigability and muscular weakness.
4. Muscular Dystrophy
5. Poliomyelitis
6. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - Lou Gerig's Disease
In most good spirometers on the market today, there is a set of normal tables (sometimes
multiple sets of tables) which can be chosen as you perform the PFT. Also, there are
interpretive microchips in the PFT machines which will tell you what the diagnosis is for
a particular patient. These two features make it easy for the clinician to immediately see
what the predicted values (normal table values) are for a specific patient and whether or
not the PFT has a normal observed outcome. The PFT data are examined by the
computerized spirometer and a diagnosis of obstructive or restrictive disease is made.