PT 630 Course Pre-Test

PT 630 - Cardiopulmonary Therapeutics - Course Pre-Test

Fall Semester, 2001

Instructions : The score from this test will not be included in your overall grade for the semester in this course. It lets me know at what level of expertise you enter this class. Please place your choice for the correct answer in the space provided.

Name : _______________________________________________________________

  1. _____ Propranolol is one of the oldest beta-blockers on the pharmaceutical market. What condition is this medication meant to be given for ?

    a. peripheral edema
    b. orthostatic hypotension
    c. hypertension
    d. bradycardia

  2. _____ According to the American College of Sports Medicine Guidelines, at what blood pressure are you required to stop a bout of exercise in a healthy adult ?

    a. 220/100
    b. 190/90
    c. 200/110
    d. 260/115

  3. _____ What is the administration protocol for taking nitroglycerin in a patient with grade III angina pectoris ?

    a. one tablet under the tongue every 10 minutes until the chest pain subsides.
    b. one tablet under the tongue and call 911
    c. one tablet under the tongue every 3-5 minutes for three times and then call 911.
    d. one tablet under the tongue after which you take their blood pressure and assess the patient for angina and respiratory congestion.

  4. _____ Can you exercise a patient who is in atrial flutter ?
  5. a. Not at all
    b. Yes you can. There is no risk to the patient.
    c. Yes, if the patient has been on heparin or coumadin for three days or more.
    d. It depends on whether the patient also has nausea associated with the presence of atrial flutter.

  6. _____ Can a Physical Therapist evaluate a patient for cardiac ischemia if the patient is in left bundle branch block ?
  7. a. Yes, a PT can determine if there is any cardiac ischemia if the patient is in left bundle branch block by looking at the precordial chest leads V1-V6.
    b. No, because a left bundle branch block makes it impossible to see ST segment depression.
    c. No, because exercising a patient in left bundle branch is potentially a life threatening experience.
    d. Yes, because left bundle branch block does not obscure the evaluation of ST segment depression.

  8. _____ Are there any inherent problems for the patient when they are in a Mobitz Type II 2nd degree AV block ?
  9. a. No, there is no real electrophysiological problem for the patient.
    b. Yes, a Mobitz Type II 2nd degree AV block converts automatically to complete heart block.
    c. No, a Mobitz Type II 2nd degree AV block is very stable.
    d. Yes, there are problems - it is a lethal dysrhythmia.

  10. _____ True or False : Rales or crackles are heard only in the central airways.
  11. _____ True or False : Rhonchi or wheezes are considered to be sounds heard in the distal or peripheral areas of the lungs.
  12. _____ True or False : Coughing will clear crackles but not wheezes.
  13. _____ True or False : A sibilant rhonchus is heard in children with croup and in a patient with an acute asthmatic attack.
  14. _____ True or False : One of the features of bronchovesicular breath sound is that it has an I : E ratio of 1:0.
  15. _____ True or False : You can convert a patient out of atrial fibrillation by doing carotid massage.
  16. _____ The risk to the patient for having a myocardial incident while doing a graded exercise treadmill stress test is :
  17. a. no risk at all to the patient
    b. extremely high - 1 in 50 treadmill tests
    c. extremely low - 1 in 50,000 treadmill tests
    d. slightly high - 1 in 1,000 treadmill tests

  18. _____ Coreg is a drug that is used to treat patients with :
  19. a. pneumonia
    b. congestive heart failure
    c. hypotension
    d. is used as a diuretic to cause the patient to urinate a lot

  20. _____ Type 2 diabetics have trouble regulating their blood glucose levels because :
  21. a. these patients do not produce enough insulin
    b. these patients don't take the proper amount of injectable insulin
    c. these patients do not produce any insulin because their pancreatic beta cells have stopped functioning
    d. these patients actually produce huge amounts of insulin but are overweight and have problems with peripheral resistance

  22. _____ True or False : Smoking cigarettes knocks out the mucociliary elevator for a 24-hour period.
  23. _____ True or False : When you auscultate the lung, hearing a broncovesicular sound in the lingula is a normal event.
  24. _____ True or False : Dornase is a drug that is used to regulate high blood pressure.
  25. _____ True or False : Tobacco smoke in the lungs inhibits alpha-1-antitrypsin and permits neutrophil elastase to destroy the lung parenchyma.
  26. _____ True or False : A junctional rhythm is a rhythm found in the ventricles of the heart and can be life threatening.
  27. _____ True or False : You can continue to exercise a patient who has a Mobitz Type II second degree AV Block.
  28. _____ True or False : According to the Guidelines of the American College of Sports Medicine, when a patient complains of level I angina, you must stop the exercise bout.
  29. _____ True or False : Dobutamine is a drug that can be used by physicians to improve perfusion disroders in the hearts of CAD patients.
  30. _____ True or False : Rate-Pressure Product, sometimes called the Double Product, is significant because it is an indicator of myocardial oxygen demand.
  31. _____ True or False : The sensitivity of a GXT is defined as how accurately the GXT actually discovers patients with CAD.
  32. _____ True or False : The specificity of a GXT is defined as how often a GXT determines that a patient is healthy - i.e. - has no CAD.
  33. _____ True or False : More coronary events (heart attacks) occur when the patient is warming up and not during steady state exercise.
  34. _____ True or False : A MET is a measure of how much time a person must exercise to loose one kilogram of body fat.

Last revised : August, 2001