Teach a Speech Calendar

From the Syllabus:

Teach a Speech – 10%

Once during the semester you will teach the class about a topic in rhetoric and public address. These will focus on a speaker, movement, or other issue pertinent to the class. You will select a reading from the available list, write a two to three page abstract of the article, produce a handout for your classmates, and explain both the reading and how it relates to the other assigned materials for that topic. You will need to make an appointment with me a week before your presentation to review your materials and notes (i.e., bring a rough draft of the abstract, handout, and speaking notes). See the “Class Schedule” for the readings/dates available.


Here is the schedule for presentations:

1/30 Zaeske, “The ‘Promiscuous Audience’ Controversy” - Christian
2/6 Saukko, "Rereading Media and Eating Disorders - Danielle
2/6 Palczewski, “The Male Madonna and the Feminine Uncle Sam” - Cassidy
2/13 Cuklanz, "'Shrill Squak' or Strategic Innovation?" - Christine
3/12 Stewart, “The Evolution of  Revolution”- Angelica

Calafell & Delgado, "Reading Latina/o Images" - Cheryl

3/26 Vavrus, “The Politics of NASCAR Dads” - Brittany
4/16 Shugart, "Reinventing Privilege" - Kelley


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C. Wesley Buerkle, Assistant Professor PO Box 70667
Communication Department, East Tennessee State University Johnson City, TN 37614
buerkle@etsu.edu (423) 439-7579