Along the Way (PDF)


Lord, lead me safely through this worldly minefield;

keep me sure-footed on the way.

If I let go of you and stumble through a wrong move,

let the lesson learned increase my faith.


Along the way

          always with me through the cold nights and desert days

Along the way

          always with me through the highs and the lows along the way.


Trade me convictions for my pat opinions;

help me live just as I believe.

Up above the circumstances I've been struggling under,

let me wear my heart upon my sleeve.


Along the way

          always with me through the cold nights and desert days

Along the way

          always with me through the highs and the lows along the way.


I love to feel your sunlight on my face,

but even in my darkness I know you are there.


Along the way

          always with me through the cold nights and desert days

Along the way

          always with me through the highs and the lows along the way.









Works & music by Michael Cody & Mark H. Chesshir

Publishers: BMG & SCL Music(?)



Michael Cody / PO Box 70279 / Johnson City, TN 37614 /