General Torso Models

    Torso: Anterior View
    Torso: Posterior View
    Torso: Right Lateral View
    Torso: Left Lateral View
    Anterior View #2
    Anterior Thorax/Abdomenal Wall: Internal View (torso 1)
    Anterior Thorax/Abdomenal Wall: Internal View (torso 2)
    Some deeper back muscles (levatores costarum and rotatores muscles)

    Viscera Exposed
    Viscera Exposed: Heart and Lungs Removed
    Viscera Exposed: Liver Removed
    Viscera Exposed: Liver, Stomach, and Transverse Colon Removed
    Viscera Exposed: Liver, Stomach, Small Intestine, and Transverse Colon Removed
    Posterior Abdominal Wall: Renal Structures
    Posterior Thoracic/Abdominal Wall
    Posterior Abdominal Wall
    Abdominal Vessels

    Sorry. No more pictures available yet. Coming soon.