Lower Extremity Models:

    NOTE: All of the pictures in this section are of LEFT extremities

    Gluteal Region
           Lateral Rotators of the Thigh: Lower Extremity Model
           Lateral Rotators of the Thigh: Torso Model

    Thigh Related Models
        Anterior Thigh
        Anterior Thigh: Deep Structures
        Lateral Thigh
        Medial Thigh
        Medial Thigh: Adductor Canal
        Posterior Thigh
        Posterior Thigh: Gluteus Maximus Removed
        Posterior Thigh: Deep Structures

    Knee Models
        Anterior Knee
        Medial Knee
        Lateral Knee
        Posterior Knee
        Inside the Knee Joint

    Leg Related Models

        Anterior Leg
        Anterior Leg: Deep Structures
        Anterior Leg: Lateral View
        Lateral Leg
        Posterior Leg: Superficial Compartment
        Posterior Leg: Superficial Compartment/Medial Head of Gastrocnemius Removed
        Posterior Leg: Deep Compartment

    Foot related Models

        Dorsum of Foot
        Plantar Foot