Anatomy of the Urinary System


Begins at the kidneys and includes (in order) the paired ureters, unpaired urinary bladder, and the urethra.


The process of urination is called micturition.


The urinary system is the principal system responsible for water and electrolyte balance. It also functions to excrete urea and creatinine (nitrogenous compounds).


Kidneys - 2 (paired) = normal condition. The left is higher than the right due to the presence of the liver.


            Has a hilum for passage of

            1. renal artery

            2. renal vein

            3. ureter

            4. nerves


is located retroperitoneal. It is embedded in fat. This fatty pouch consists of 3 layers:

1. Renal capsule - innermost layer. Is strong and fibrous. It is attached to the kidney. It functions to prevent infection.

            2. Adipose capsule - second layer. Is a protective layer.

3. Renal fascia - third layer. Is a supportive layer. It anchors the kidney to the peritoneum and the abdominal wall.


Kidney structure Has two layers


            1. Outer cortex - many capillaries

            2. inner medulla - many blood vessels and tubules

                        a. renal pyramids - tubules (tips = renal papilla)

                        b. renal columns - separate pyramids. Transmit blood vessels


Nephron - the functional unit of the kidney. It functions to produce urine. It is made up of many tubules and their associated blood vessels. There are over 1 million nephrons


            Glomerulus - A tuft of capillaries with fenestrations


Glomerular (Bowman's) capsule - surrounds the glomerulus. Together they form the renal corpuscle. The epithelium of the glomerular capillaries contains pores called fenestrae. These allow filtrate but NOT proteins to pass from the blood into the glomerular capsule.


The glomerular capsule has a parietal and a visceral layer. The parietal layer is for structure only and does not play a role in filtration.

The visceral layer is made up of highly specialized cells called podocytes. These cells have foot processes (pedicels) which line the basement membrane of the glomerulus. Between the foot processes we see filtration slits which allow the filtrate to pass into the capsular space.


Proximal convoluted tubule - Here we see cuboidal cells with a brush border (microvilli) These cells resorb substances from the filtrate as well as secrete substances into the filtrate. The microvilli greatly increase the ability to resorb water.


            Loop of Henle - has both ascending and descending limbs


Descending limb - (thin segment) is simple squamous epithelium and is highly permeable to water.


Ascending limb - (thick segment) the epithelium is cuboidal or even low columnar.


Distal convoluted tubule - here the cells are cuboidal and thinner than those seen in the proximal convoluted tubule. This shows that these cells play a role in secreting substances into the filtrate rather than removing substances from it. Here we also see two cell types:

1. intercalated cells (cuboidal with microvilli) - these function in acid/base balance of the blood.

            2. principal cells ( no microvilli) - these function in body Na+ and water balance.


Collecting duct - Not a part of the Nephron. The distal convoluted tubules connect to collecting ducts. Passes through the renal pyramids and ends at the renal papillae where it empties into a minor calyx.



Note that there are two types of Nephrons:


1. Cortical nephrons: these make up 85% of our nephrons. With the exception of the tip of the loop of Henle these nephrons are located in the renal cortex.

2. Juxtamedullary nephrons: here the renal corpuscles are located in the cortex, yet very near the cortex-medulla junction.


Blood supply


Renal arteries feed into segmental arteries, which turn into interlobar arteries (in renal columns) which feed into arcuate arteries (branched out at the level between the cortex and medulla). Interlobular arteries branch off of the arcuate arteries and run out into the cortex. From these branch the afferent arterioles which bring blood to the glomeruli (blood filtrate enters the urinary tubules). Blood leaving the glomerulus enters an efferent arteriole which takes the blood to peritubular capillaries around the convoluted tubules OR vasa recta surrounding the ascending and descending limbs of Henle. At this point the blood enters veins that parallel the arteries. That is, interlobular veins to arcuate veins to interlobar veins to renal veins to the IVC.


            Notice that the left renal vein is longer. Why?


Ureters - are retroperitoneal and paired. - enter the urinary bladder


The wall of the ureter has 3 layers (tunics)

1. inner mucosa - continuous with the lining of the urinary bladder. It has transitional epithelium that secretes a protective mucous (lubrication)

2. middle layer - Muscularis. It has an inner longitudinal and outer circular layer of smooth muscle.

            The proximal 1/3 also has an outer longitudinal layer of smooth muscle.

3. Outer layer - fibrous coat made of loose CT. This coat covers the ureter and anchors it in place.


Urinary bladder - storage bag for urine. It is located behind the pubic symphysis yet in front of the rectum in males and in front of the uterus in females.


The wall has 4 layers:

1. Muscoa - innermost layer. Has transitional epithelium. Will find many folds (rugea) except in the area known as the trigone. This is a triangular area demarcated by three points, the two openings of the ureters and the exit point for the urethra.

            2. Submucosa - supports the mucosa

3. Muscularis - has three layers called detrusor muscle. This muscle helps to form the internal urethral sphincter.

4. Serosa - outermost layer. It is found only on the superior surface of the bladder. It is actually a continuation of the peritoneum.


Urethra -          female = short. Approx. 4 cm long

                        male = longer. Consists of three regions

                        1. prostatic urethra - passes through the prostate gland

                        2. membranous urethra - passes through the UG diaphragm

                        3. Penile (spongy) urethra - passes the length of the penis.


Urethral wall -The inside of the wall is lined by mucous membrane surrounded by a thick layer of smooth muscle. We also see urethral glands which secrete mucous into the urethral canal. There is an external urethral sphincter which is composed of voluntary skeletal muscle.


Micturition = urination, which is a reflex action. Stretch receptors activate the detrusor muscle and relax the internal urethral sphincter. The external urethral sphincter is under voluntary control after approx. 2 years of age. This has to do with growth of the spinal cord and appropriate nerves.