Big Ugly Truly Terrible Hideous Extremely Asinine Discussion
("Butthead Seminar")

The Institute of Mathematical and Physical Sciences ("IMPS," a society of active research scientists and mathematicians at East Tennessee State University) will continue to sponsor a series of lectures in 2000 addressing some of the revolutionary developments in physics during the early part of this century. The talks are aimed at junior and senior level physics majors.


The Spring 2000 schedule is as follows:

  1. Radiative Transfer
    Don Luttermoser
  2. Tensors for Dummies
    Bob Gardner
  3. An Application of Tensors
    Scott Lavoie
  4. An Introduction to Group Theory
    Jay Boland
  5. Continuous Groups
    Jay Boland or Bob Gardner
We will meet at 2:30 on Fridays in room 265 of Brown Hall.


A complete list of previous BUTTHEAD seminar titles and outlines can be found here.

A Historical Note

We were inspired to conduct this seminar by Dr. Dan Rockmore of Dartmouth College. His "Beautiful Expository Accounts of Very Interesting Science" Seminar (i.e. "BEAVIS Seminar") seemed to need a... companion!

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