Information on Courses Taught by
Bob Gardner

Here's the information on the courses I am teaching in fall 2024:

Graph Theory 1
(MATH 5340)
Fall 2024
Real Analysis 1
(MATH 5210)
Fall 2024

For my office hours, click on Homer:

Office Hours; Homer Simpson image

Copies of many more syllabi from courses I have taught are available in my syllabus archive.

Copies of many of my class notes are online as given below. These notes are posted on Google Drive, but require no password or login to access. The notes are regularly updated and errors corrected as they are discovered. They should remain available for the foreseeable future.

Older version of the notes housed on the ETSU server can be accessed through my Course Notes on the ETSU Server webpage (though this version of my notes is no longer updated or corrected, effective May 2024). These older versions are subject to deletion at some time in the future.

Additional class notes which are still in preparation are also available.

Graduate Level Analysis
Royden's Analysis Book
Real Analysis
Part 1, Part 2,
Part 3
Conways Complex Analysis book, second edition
Complex Analysis Core
Promislow's Functional Analysis Book
Functional Analysis

Graduate Level Algebra, Discrete Math, and Geometry
Hungerford's Algebra Book
Modern Algebra
Groups, Rings and Modules,
Gentle's Matrix Algebra, 2nd edition
Theory of Matrices
Bondy and Murty's Graph Theory
Graph Theory 1,
Graph Theory 2
Bondy and Murty's Graph Theory
Mathematical Modeling
Using Graph Theory
Faber's Differential Geometry Book
Differential Geometry

Senior/Graduate Level Pure Math
Munkres Topology Book
General Topology

Algebraic Topology
Kirkwood's Analysis Book
Analysis 1

Analysis 2
Brown and Chruchill 8th edition
Complex Variables
Brown and Chruchill 9th edition
Complex Variables,
Fraleigh's Abstract Algebra Book
Introduction to
Modern Algebra
Part 1, Part 2
Livingston's Knot Theory Book
Introduction to Knot Theory
Pearls in Graph Theory Book
Introduction to
Graph Theory
Lindner and Rodger's Design Theory
Design Theory
Introduction to Modern Geometry
Ostermann and Wanner's Geometry by its History
Wylie's Foundations of Geometry
Axiomatic and Transformational Geometry
Pedoe's Geometry: A Comprehensive Course
Wylie's An Introduction to Projective Geometry
Ball's Finite Geometry and Combinatorial Applications

Some Applied Topics
Bedford and Fowler's Statics Book
Applied Mechanics 1
DNA Replication image from Cosmos
Genetics and Math Biology
Boyce and DiPrima's Elementary DEs and BVPs
Differential Equations 2
Debnath and Mikusinski's Introduction to Hilbert Spaces with Applications
Applied Hilbert Spaces
(Applied Math 1)
Waltman's Second Course in Elementary DEs
Ordinary Differential Equations
(Applied Math 1)
Strauss' PDEs: Introduction
Partial Differential Equations
(Applied Math 2)

Freshman, Sophomore, Junior Level
Thomas' Calculus, 14th edition
Calculus 1
Thomas' Calculus, 12th edition
Calculus 2
Thomas' Calculus, 12th edition
Calculus 3
Fraleigh's Linear Algebra Book
Linear Algebra
Ross's Introduction to ODEs Book
Differential Equations
Rosens's Discrete Math and Applications, 4th edition
Discrete Structures
Gerstein's Introduction to Mathematical Structures and Proofs, 2nd Edition
Mathematical Reasoning
Dudley's Elementary Number Theory, 2nd Edition
Number Theory
Eves' An Introduction to the History of Mathematics, 6th Edition (1990)
History of Math before 1600
History of Math after 1600

Probability and Statistics
Moore's Basic Practice of Statistics, 4th Edition
Probability and Statistics
Hogg, McKean, Craig's Introduction to Mathematical Statistics 8th Edition
Mathematical Statistics 1

Mathematical Statistics 2

Snow's Dynamic Astronomy, 3rd Edition
Sullivan's Precalculus 10th edition
Precalculus 1 (Algebra)
Sullivan's Precalculus 7th edition
Precalculus 2 (Trigonometry)
Heart of Math 2nd edition
Foundations and Structure
of Mathematics 1

Some solutions to tests which I have given over the past few years are online:

Sullivan's Precalculus 10th edition
Precalculus 1
Thomas' Calculus, 12th edition
Calculus 1
Thomas' Calculus, 12th edition
Calculus 2
Thomas' Calculus, 12th edition
Calculus 3
Fraleigh's Linear Algebra Book
Linear Algebra

Video lectures prepared for select online classes are available at:

Laptop and Diploma
Dr. Bob's Online University

Return to Bob Gardner's home page
Last updated: June 1, 2024.