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ENTC 3710 — Lab #5
Media Holder
In this assignment, your team's goal is to design and—using the AXYZ CNC Router—fabricate some type of media holder.

Basic Design Criteria

The media holder must meet the following criteria:

  • Securely hold an assortment of media including, but not limited to, CDs, DVDs, game cartriges (e.g., Playstation, Xbox, Nintendo, etc.), VHS tapes, audio cassettes, 3½ floppies, etc.
  • The media will be supported by three (3) 3/8 in diameter rods (either aluminum or wood).
  • The media should be supported with a minimum clearance of 1/8" from the resting surface.
  • The design must include at least
    • one set of Ogee curves;
    • four legs (i.e., two (2) points of contact with the resting surface for each side); and
    • some type of routed design element on each end piece.
  • The two end pieces may be symmetric. Non-symmetric sides must be appropriately mirrored.
  • Design the part to be made of either wood or polymer. Check out the available sizes of wood and plastics readily found in the lab. Get your instructor's approval of your design and target materials prior to cutting out the prototype pieces.
  • To keep from wasting good material, make prototype pieces using different material(s) prior to making the final run parts.
CD Rack Dimensions Nominal Rod/Mounting Dimensions
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AutoCAD  ETSU Logo
Right Click within image to download AutoCAD drawing of the ETSU Logo
Right Click here to download a DXF-formatted file
NOTE: If you are having trouble accessing or downloading the file(s)
for this project, please go to the D2L website for this class.

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