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ENTC 3710 — Lab #7
"Traced" Artwork
In this laboratory assignment, you will choose some type of artwork (e.g., a logo, line drawing, photograph, font, etc.) to "trace" in CADD and then create a CNC program to reproduce the artwork.
Programming Requirements:
  • The artwork must be approved by the instructor prior to submission; please remember that ETSU computer usage guidlines remain in effect (i.e. do not propose any obscene or inappropriate projects).
  • It is strongly suggested that you first develop the artwork on a nominal 1 inch or 1 cm scale so that it can be easily scaled up to the desired final part size. Ensure that tool paths—especially internal radii—are appropriately sized and scalable.
  • Attempt to simplify the geometry as much as possible (especailly curves) to minimize program size and milling time.
  • CADD drawings such as AutoCAD allow you to import raster images into a drawing and scale and/or rotate them as desired. After manipulating the raster image, place it on its own layer and lock the layer. Then use simple points, lines, arcs, etc. to trace the individual paths. Stay away from splines.
  • After the paths have been developed, use join the lines together as polylines. Again, stay away from splines.
  • If you will be using the AXYZ, you will be expected to develop product(s) of higher complexity and/or significance.
  • All projects must include a dimensioned drawing and appropriate setup and operational information.
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  • An appropriately commented CNC program with header (setup) information.
  • A plot of the assignment's CADD drawing. On the plot, identify all programming points including the arc's start and stop points.
  • A pen plot of the final program run. All team members need to sign the pen plot.
  • An actual machined part; all team members need to sign the back of the part.
  • Staple all sheets together and place into the class notebook by the due date.
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