
Island Biogeography  

This model simulates MacArthur & Wilson's 1963 Island Biogeography Equilibrium  paper.  You can run virtual experiments manipulating: island size, distance from mainland, habitat type, and species types (e.g. birds, arthropods, etc.).

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Estimating Stream Diversity  This simple model simulates seining a stream for animal life.  Sixteen species of  invertebrates wash down the stream, and when the seine is open they may get caught and separated into buckets.  Counts of individual species, total species and individuals are given to allow calculation of various diversity indices.  This model displays the species 'discovery to effort' curve.

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Estimating Plant Diversity      This is an advanced model to generate data for analyses of biodiversity.  Two habitats (mesic and xeric) separated by a mountain range are simulated.  The user moves points around the habitat with the mouse, and samples the numbers of species at those point.  The data generated can be used to calculate various diversity indices, compare the habitats, and also to generate species/area curves.

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