Grants & Awards
Grants History
$110,000.00 (¥720,000)
– Division of Geosciences, National
Science Foundation of China
(Co-PI, Duration: 01/2012 – 12/2015 with Dr. Cheng Quan at Jilin University)
$330,000.00. - Division of Geosciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China (Co-PI, Duration: 01/2011 - 12/2014 with Prof. Zhekun Zhou at Xishuangbanna Botanical Garden) - Evolution of florisitics and Neogene climate of SW China
$1000.00. - Travel grant, Office of Research and Sponsor Program, East Tennessee State University - Traveled to the W. Szafer Institute of Botany in Krakow, Poland in July 2010.
$500.00. - Travel grant, Office of Research and Sponsor Program, East Tennessee State University - Traveled to the Indian Academy of Science (New Delhi) and Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany (Lucknow), India in Nov. 2008.
$9000.00. - Research Development Committee Major Research Grants, Office of Research and Sponsor Program, East Tennessee State University - Chemical Studies of Biomarkers in the Fossil Plants from the Gray Fossil Site, Tennessee.
$421,657.00. - NSF CAREER Program - CAREER: Exploring the Neogene Plant Record of Global Vegetational and Climatic Changes in eastern North America – Research and Education Program (June 2008 to May 2013)
$15,000.00. - National Geographical Society, Washington D.C. - Palecoecology of the Late Miocene-Early Pliocene Flora from Gray, Tennessee, southeastern North America
$9,000.00. - Research Development Committee Major Research Grants, Office of Research and Sponsor Program, East Tennessee State University - Systematics of fossil seed plants from a unique late Tertiary flora in northeast Tennessee and its biogeographic significance
$2,000.00. - Network Research Grants, Appalachian Highlands Science Learning Center, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior - Genetic and morphological diversity in Carolina hemlock populations
$1,200.00. - Research Development Committee Small Grants, Office of Research and Sponsor Program, East Tennessee State University - Comparisons of the 7-4.5 million years old fossil fruits/seeds from the Gray Fossil Site, northeast Tennessee with the modern fruits/seeds housed at Harvard’s Arnold Arboretum
$3,000.00. - University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Personnel Development Committee Grants - Palynological investigation of the Late Miocene flora from Gray, Tennessee
$74,300.00. - NSF DUE CCLI-Adaptation and Implementation - SEM in the Classroom: Creating a Student-Centered SEM Stereo Biological Imaging Resource (SSBIR) for Teaching and Research. (Co-PI)
$3,620.00. - University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Personnel Development Committee Grants - Arctic Plant Fossils and their Paleoclimatic and Paleobio-geographic Significances
$477.00. - University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point IT minigrants - Database Management on Fossil Plant Collection
$1,700.00. - University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Personnel Development Committee Grants - Systematic anatomy of Cycas leaves
$1,500.00. - Undergraduate Education Initiative Grants, College of Letters and Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point - Request of plant fossil collection tools and lab chemicals
August 2008: Alexander
von Humboldt Research Fellowship, Germany
June - August 2007:
Research Fellowship,
Arboretum, Harvard University, U.S.A.
June - August 2005: Alexander
von Humboldt Research Fellowship, Germany
1998 -2001: Postdoc
Research Fellowship, University of Saskatchewan,
1997 - 1998: Alexander
von Humboldt Research Fellowship, Germany
1995 - 1996: JSPS
(Japan Society for Promotion of Sciences) Postdoctoral Fellowship, Japan
1994 - 1995: ÖAD
(Austrian Foreign Exchange Service) Research Fellowship, Austria
11/1990: First Award
for the Best Paper in the 1st National
Congress on Modern Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy of Graduate Students, China
10/1989: President Prize
of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China