
To consider the structure of DNA, we have to look at the subunit molecules used to make DNA.  An important concept at this point is to realize that DNA, RNA, and proteins are all made from smaller molecules that we can call subunits or building blocks.



Subunit or building block


Amino Acids






Deoxyribonuleoside (no phosphate)


·       DNA is composed of 4 different deoxyribonucleotides: Adenine Guanine, Cytosine, and Thymidine.  We usually use the letters A, G, C, and T to denote these subunits. 

·       These subunits are attached together based upon a base-pairing rule:

o     Adenine pairs with Thymidine

o     Guanine pairs with Cytosine

·       The synthesis of DNA requires a template DNA molecule which is used to direct the insertion of the correct nucleotide into the new molecule.  This synthesis is under the direction of DNA polymerase enzymes.

·       The typical structure of DNA is the Watson-Crick model where there are two strands of DNA paired together by hydrogen bonds between the nucleotide bases.






DNA structure will be demonstrated by showing students how to read a sequencing gel.  The sequencing gel is produced when DNA strands are separated in an electric field.  DNA is negative charged (the phosphates are negative charged thus the entire DNA molecule acts like a negative-charged rod).  In an electric field, DNA molecules will migrate toward the positive charged area.  If the DNA is placed in a semi-solid slab of agarose (made from seaweed), the DNA molecules will be separated based upon their sizes; the smaller the size, the further toward the positive pole the DNA will migrate.  This is called electrophoresis.


DNA Electrophoresis


Electrophoresis is the most common technique used in laboratories that work with DNA.  Usually, the DNA samples are loaded in the gel along side a known standard that has DNA fragments of known sizes.  After the electrophoresis, the size of unknown DNA molecules can be estimated by comparing to the standard. 


This comparison can be done by measuring the distance of migration for each standard DNA molecule and graphing the distance migrated vs the size (the number of bases in the DNA, denoted as base pairs (bp)).  This graph of the standard can then be used to estimate the size of each unknown DNA molecule by comparing the distance migrated to the standard graph.


Material to perform DNA electrophoresis can be ordered from various vendors.  As an example; EDVOTEK has both agarose gel electrophoresis kits (M36 HexaGel Horizontal Electrophoresis Apparatus for $295).  In addition, DNA samples and standards are also available (samples for 6 gels with methlyene blue stain for $61)


Determining the Sequence of a DNA Molecule


The sequence of a DNA molecule (the identity of each base found in the DNA) can be determined by combining electrophoresis with a method called Dideoxynucleotide Synthesis.  In this method, the DNA molecule to be sequenced is divided into four tubes, each tube contains an enzyme called DNA polymerase (this enzyme is used to synthesize a copy of the DNA molecule), the four deoxynucleotides (A, T, G, and C), and a short primer that will bind to the DNA molecule to support the synthesis.  Also, each tube contains a different dideoxynucleotide. This nucleotide lacks a hydroxyl group on carbon number 3 of the ribose, thus if this dideoxynucleotide is incorporated into the synthesizing DNA strand, no more nucleotides can be added.  The incorporation of this dideoxynucleotide results in termination of the DNA synthesis reaction.


An animation of this reaction can be viewed at:

Genetic Science Learning Center (requires Macromedia Flash Player)

Virtual Lab: Agarose Electrophoresis

Electrophoresis - Topic Introduction


After the reactions are finished, each tube is loaded onto a polyacryamide gel (like agarose, this is a semi-solid matrix that is usually poured into a small diameter long tube and allowed to solidify. With polyacrylamide, smaller DNA strands can be separated in such a way that each band differs only from the next band by 1 nucleotide base.  By reading the bands starting from the bottom, the identity of the base can be determined.


Activity I:  7th, 8th, and 9th grade


We are using DNA sequencing gels provided by EVOTEK.


This activity requires the student to take a sequencing gel and read the sequence.  Notice that there are 4 lanes labeled A, T, G and C. Starting from the bottom, find the band close to the bottom and determine its lane.  If it is lane A, then A is the first base of the sequence.  Continue across the gel, going up the gel, finding the next largest band.

Determining its lane, write down that letter as the next base.  Notice, as you get further up the gel, the bands gets closer together so at one point it maybe difficult to distinguish between the bands.  When you reach this point, you have read all the sequence that can be read with accuracy.


        How many bases were you able to read?______________


        Where any of your bases difficult to determine?________



What you have written is the nucleotide sequence of one strand of DNA.  Using the base-pairing rules, can you write the sequence of the other strand (remember DNA is double stranded)?



Activity II: 9th-12th grade


Once a sequence has been determined for a DNA molecule, it is usually desirable to determine what protein or RNA molecule the DNA fragment codes for.   This is accomplished by making use of Internet-based databases.  These databases contain sequences of genes that have been previously identified.  The most useful database is maintained by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda Maryland. The web site is called the NCBI (National Center for Biological Information) at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/.



Within the NCBI site are many different databases; the main one is called Genbank.  There are also databases of genomic sequences such as human, drosophila, mouse, and many different bacteria.


If you have a DNA sequence you need to identify, you can search Genbank by using the BLAST program.  At the BLAST site, you will input your sequence that you read from the gel and allow the BLAST program to search the database to see if that sequence has been identified.  The result obtained from the BLAST analysis might give you a possible identity for your sequence.


Once at the main BLAST page, you will need to choose BLASTN program:



Observe the image below, this image shows the entry portal to the BLAST site.  In the marked box is where you will type your unknown sequence.  After entering the sequence, push the BLAST button.  Another web page will open that has you task identifier and then you will push the FORMAT button.  Usually a third web page opens that tells you the number of seconds you have to wait to use the BLAST server (you actually are waiting in line to use the server). When your sequence gets to the server, your results will be returned in another web page.




Below is a image of a BLAST result page.  Notice the list of sequences with links in blue.  These links will take you to other parts of the database to get more information.  The identity of your unknown sequence is usually that sequence that is toward the top of the list.  The interpretation of this analysis would allow you to say “my sequence is similar to ____________________ that is found in _____________ organism. 




Determining the significance of your analysis requires you to note the E value column. If you happen to get a perfect match, then the E value would be 0.0 which means a perfect match.  Usually, the E value is expressed as  e-xxx.  In fact, if the E value is less that e-0.02 the match between your unknown sequence and the database sequence is significant.




        What is the possible identity for your sequence you read off the gel?




        Is this result considered significant? _____________


What is the E value? _________________________