Notebook Assignment

Advanced Composition, O'Donnell, ETSU, Summer 2011


Last update:  July 5, 2011


I.  The Assignment


On the last day of class--Thursday, July 7, 2011--you will submit to me the following: 


A.  A xerox copy of the table of contents for your class notebook.  This table of contents will describe the complete contents for a full 90 pages worth of notes.  Each entry in the table will include the following:


                1. page #                  2. date and day of week                     3. complete, clear, generous title                     4. approximate word count


Please note that you are invited to black out any entry titles that you consider to be confidential and do not want to circulate.  Nevertheless, when you black out such titles, leave the page #, date, and word count visible. 


B.  Xerox copies of two, complete sample entries.  As with the table of contents, so too with the sample entries:  You are invited to black out sensitive information--names of people, places, etc.--that you do not wish to circulate. 


II.  Grading Criteria 


The notebook is worth 20% of your final grade.  To grade your notebook, I will consider the following: 


A.  Quantity -- I will look for a table of contents that indicates a complete 90 pages worth of writing. 

B.  Clarity and generosity of entry titles -- I will reward titles that are clear and descriptive and that thus identify the contents of the related notebook entry. 

C.  Variety and range of materials -- I will look for a range of materials and activities. 

D.  Thoughtfulness, depth, of sample entries -- Pick two sample entries that show some serious, provocative, in-depth writing.  Pick entries that you consider some of the best in the entire notebook.  (Don't bother to pick transcription exercises or class notes.)