ENVS 4950 | Integrative Seminar in Environmental Studies | ETSU | Spring 2012

Close to Home: A study of the Cultural and Environmental Aspects of the Local Food Movement in Upper East Tennessee

Sarah Hoover | Customized Syllabus

February 1, 2012

Statement of Purpose

I am interested in the reasons that people choose to eat locally grown food as opposed to food produced by industrial agriculture.  I am also interested in the culture that has grown up around the local food movement, and in the environmental, health, and economical implications of the movement.  I am an anthropology major.  I am considering careers in many aspects of anthropology, including  medical and environmental anthropology.

Additional Texts

Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life.  By Barbara Kingsolver.  HarperPerrenial, 2008.  400 pages.

Food Justice: Food, Health, and the Environment.  By Robert Gottlieb and Anupama Joshi.  The MIT Press (MA), 2010.  304 pages.

Service Placement

Jonesborough Farmer’s Market

Jonesborough, TN


Karen Childress

My duties include editing the market’s website, helping to fill orders at the weekly pick-up, interviewing customers and farmers about their involvement with the market, and other jobs that need to be done along the way.