Can We Learn to Love what’s Local (and Give up the Pineapple in December)?

Sacrifice and Resilience in American Food Culture


Heather C.

Syllabus, ENVS 4950 Environmental Studies Seminar, ETSU

Weds, Jan 23, 2013


Statement of Purpose

I am interested in how people can change habits and customs to create a more sustainable market and food system. I am planning on going to graduate school for environmental sociology where I would like to continue to research and understand the American food system and the politics, economics and sociology related to food distribution and consumption.


Additional Texts

Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life.  Barbara Kingsolver. HarperPerrenial: 2008, 400 pages.


The Revolution Will Not Be Microwaved: Inside America’s Underground Food Movements. Sandor Ellix Katz. Chelsea Green: 2006, 378 pages.


Food Justice: Food, Health, and the Environment.  Robert Gottlieb and Anupama Joshi.  The MIT Press (MA): 2010., 304 pages.


Nature’s Spoils: The Underground Food Movement Ferments Revolution.”  Burkhard Bilger. The New Yorker: 2010, Nov 22.


Service Placement

To be determined (1/22/13)