Engl 4040 Modernism and Postmodernism, Fall 2015, O'Donnell, ETSU

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last update: August 8, 2015


Course Information
English 4040 Modernism and Postmodernism, section 1,
Tues and Thurs 11:15am-12:35pm, Burleson 304

This course is writing-intensive.

The instructor is Dr. Kevin O'Donnell: http://faculty.etsu.edu/odonnell/, odonnell@etsu.edu 423 439-6679
Office: Burleson Hall 313

Fall 2015 Office Hours:  TR 12:45-2pm and 3:45-4:30pm; W 12-2pm


Note that some of the novels listed here are available in various editions.  Any print edition you can find will be OK for this class.  However, I do prefer that you use "hard copies"-- in other words, traditional bound paper texts, rather than "e-texts"-- for a number of reasons that we'll discuss in class.  Nevertheless, if you do feel strongly that you prefer e-texts, talk to me in person, and I'll listen to your case. 


- Don Delillo. White Noise: A Novel.  (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition).  Penguin, 2009 (1984).  ISBN: 9780143105985.  $17.00 

- Toni Morrison.  Beloved: A Novel.  Vintage Reprint edition, 2004 (1987).  ISBN-10: 1400033411.  $16.00 

- Thomas Pynchon.  Inherent Vice: A Novel.  Penguin Books, 2010.  ISBN: 0143117564 $17.00 

- Joseph Parisi and Stephen Young, editors. The Poetry Anthology: Ninety Years of America's Most Distinguished Verse Magazine.  Ivan R. Dee, publisher, 2004. ISBN: 1566636043 $19.95
- Gary Shteyngart.  Super Sad True Love Story: A Novel.  Random House, 2011.  ISBN: 0812977866  $16.00 

- Kurt Vonnegut. Slaughterhouse Five or the Children's Crusade: A Duty Dance With Death. Dell, 1991 (1969). ISBN: 0440180295. $7.99.
- Virginia Woolf. Mrs. Dalloway: A Novel [Annotated]. Harvest Books, 2005 (1921). ISBN: 0156030357 $13.00


Final Grade Breakdown
- 2 exams (short essay and identification):  25% each -- 50% total
- Review essay (you will review a novel of your choice; approx 1500 words):  25%
- In-class presentation (you will "teach" a class on one of the assigned works):  10%

- Miscellaneous, ungraded writing activities, in and out of class:  10%
- Participation:  5%


Attendance, Due Dates
Attendance: The Department of Lit and Language policy: more than 6 absences and you fail the course. In addition, I've set the following policies: 1) You may miss 2 classes free, no questions asked. 2) No absences will be excused, so use your two freebies wisely! 3) If you miss between 3 and 5 classes, your final grade may be lowered by up to a full letter grade.
Due Dates: I don't accept late work, and missed assignments cannot be made up. If you must miss class on a due date, email me your work by class time.