Assignment: Topic Proposal, for Annotated Bibliography and Research Project


for Engl 1028 Honors Composition II

Special Topic: Global Warming, O'Donnell, ETSU, Fall 2016


Last updated: August 18, 2016


Assignment due date: Tuesday, September 20, 2016


I. Assignment

You will write a memo addressed to me (the course instructor), proposing a topic for your annotated bibliography and research project for this class. The memo does not commit you to a topic.  Instead, this is the first part of a dialogue between you and me, designed to help you define and focus your topic. The goal is for you to define a fundamental issue or question, related to global warming, that you will explore in your annotated bibliography and research paper. 


II. Requirements for Your Proposal Memo

1. A working title -- Include a generously detailed and specific working title, with a colon and a subtitle.  For example: "Preparing for the Consequences of Global Warming on the Carolina Coasts: Science vs. Politics." 

2. A brief discussion of the significance of the topic: Why is it important?  Who, in particular, might be interested? 

3. A little bit about you -- What are your interests?  What's your connection to, or special angle on, the issue of global warming?  Why does your topic particularly interest you? 

4. Resources -- Do you have any special resources

5. Preliminary bibliography -- Do you already have in mind any readings? For example, perhaps something we read in class, or some other readings you've already found?  If so, list complete citations.


III. Some Basic Questions and Topics, for Your Consideration

1. Science-Based Subtopics

- the causes of global warming: science and uncertainties

- ocean acidification

- mosquito-borne diseases

- the anthropocene

- the sixth extinction

- polar vortex


2. What to Do  

- What can American policy makers do to prevent or reduce global warming? 

- ... to respond to the changes that will result from global warming? (Accomodation and mitigation.)

- The Paris Agreement. 

- carbon offsets

- the fossil fuels divestment movement


3. Effects on Particular Regions and Economic Sectors

- How will global warming affect agriculture in a particular region of the globe?

- the atlantic coast in the carolinas

- appalachia

- the future of coal 


4. Politics and Psychology

- the politics of global warming in America

- the psychology of understanding and accepting or denying climate change

- fossil fuels industry misinformation campaigns  


5. Arts & Entertainment

- cli-fi 

- climate change films

- global warming as a theme or metaphor in particular works or groups of works