Engl 3130 Advanced Composition, Spring 2018

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Final Exam Instructions/ Best Essays from This Semester
last update: April 24, 2018 


I. Final Exam Instructions

The final exam has two parts:  Part A is an essay you will write, in class, during the final exam period. Bring your notebook with all the entries you wrote on the days when I returned essays with grades and comments, during the semester. This impromptu writing will count as one of the "miscellaneous, ungraded short memos and other writings" which are listed in the course policies under "Final Grade Breakdown."


Part B is a take-home writing activity.  Follow the instructions below. 


1.  Instructions for Part B, the out-of-class portion of the final exam

  a. Choose three of your classmates' essays that will be posted here by the evening of Weds April 25.

  b. Write a response to each of those three essays.  Use the memo format.  Follow the guidelines, and consider the grading criteria, below. 

  c. Print two copies of each response.  Label the two copies separately, as follows:  "Copy 1, for [so-and-so -- author's name]," and "Copy 2, for Dr. O'Donnell, instructor."  

  d. Bring both hard copies of each response to class during the final exam period, which is Wednesday Dec 13, at 10:30am. 


2.  Guidelines for each response, for Part B of the final exam

  a. Write at least 300 words.
  b. Address the author of the essay directly, using the second-person, personal pronoun.

  c. Do not evaluate the essay. Instead, write about your own experience as a reader. Why did you choose to respond to that particular essay? What did the essay make you think and feel?


3.  Grading Criteria for Part B of the final exam

I will grade each of your three responses according to the usual criteria for good writing:  1) focus/ purpose; 2) support and development; 3) organization, including paragraphing; 4) style/ voice/ readability; 5) editing and proofreading. 


I will average the three response grades together to get a single grade, which is worth 5% of your final grade. 


II. Best Essays from This Semester

- A Beginner’s Guide to Authentic Scottish Shortbread, by Mikal Eledge

- Defying the Norm: A Musical Review -- “And I can’t change… even if I tried, even if I wanted to…” by Kendra Knight

- The Downsides of the United States-Mexico Border Wall and Why US Citizens Should Not Support It, by Molly Daniels

- "Let Loose, Have a Drink, and Dance Like No One is Watching: A Guide to Knoxville Bars", by Brooke Rey

- The Queen of the Skies: How the Boeing 747 Revolutionized Air Travel as We Know It, by JJ Jerman Boeing747legacy.pdf


- Social Media and the Pro-Anorexia Movement: How the Internet and Social Media are the only things feeding Pro-Ana believers, by Chelsea Temple

- The Triangle: Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Phil Jackson, and the enduring offensive scheme, by Joshua Olson 

- Wearing a Hijab in London: The Tale of a Bond Formed Abroad, by Megan Cruey