Environment and Public Education: Educating Individuals to Appreciate Nature,
Conservation, and the Land Around Them
Syllabus for Sarah M.
ENVS 4950 Integrative Seminar in
Environmental Studies, ETSU, Spring 2019
Statement of
I am interested in the natural environment and the
various ways individuals can interact, protect understand, and appreciate
nature. This may be in many forms such as conservation, informational
sessions/talks, interactive programs, or other related programs through parks
or other environmental groups. I want to foster an appreciation for nature in
individuals that will motivate them to protect the environment and its flora,
fauna, and resources. At ETSU, I am an English major with minors in
environmental studies and anthropology. My current career plan is to pursue a
job that combines my major and environmental studies minor.
Bays Mountain Park and Planetarium
853 Bays Mountain Park Road
Kingsport, TN 37660
Supervisor: Megan Krager, Senior Naturalist
Duties: At Bays Mountain Park, I will help with a
variety of tasks that the park coordinates. These tasks include conservation
through their various animal habitats, maintenance of the park, and several
programs for the public. Some of the programs will include an informational
booth with a snake, mountain biking workshops, and a bird box workshop. Through
my duties at Bays Mountain, I will receive experience in many different areas
of the park which will give me a wide overview and understanding of how a park
and nature reserve functions.
Additional texts
1) Wild Ones: A
Sometimes Dismaying, Weirdly Reassuring Story About Looking at People Looking
at Animals in America. Jon Mooallem. Penguin Books, 2013. 328 pages.
2) Nate Blakeslee. American Wolf: A True Story
of Survival and Obsession in the West. Broadway Books, 2018 (2017). 300