Exam 1 Study Guide

Literature and the Environment, Spring 2020, O'Donnell

last updated: March 3, 2020


Exam date: Monday, March 9, 2020

This exam counts for 15% of the final grade.


Exam Guidelines and Format

The exam will present you with a choice of 10 identification prompts--significant quotes, terms or phrases, proper nouns--which will in turn be drawn from 18 prompts listed below.


Out of the 10 prompts on the exam, you will in turn choose 8, for each of which you will write a "mini essay" -- that is, three or four clear, complete, self-explanatory sentences. In each mini-essay, you must identify 1) the context or definition; 2) the author(s) and text(s) with which prompt is associated; 3) an important issue associated with the prompt.


Please note that, while you may write practice responses ahead of time, I require you to compose your responses on the spot, during the exam, rather than copying pre-composed responses directly from your notes.


18 Prompts

1.  Gilded Age

2.  Progressive Era

3.  Horace Albright

4.  Horace Kephart

5.  Carolina Parakeet


6. Nevada Test Site

7. "They mocked the presumption of even-tempered beings and made promises that they would never fear the witch inside themselves."

8. "Winds are advertisements of all they touch, however much or little we may be able to read them . . ."

9. "'The trees in the storm don't try to stand up straight and tall and erect. They allow themselves to bend ... with the wind. They understand the power of letting go,' continued the voice."

10. "The Keystone"


11. "Thinking Like a Mountain"

12. "When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect."

13. alphabetical conservationists

14. The poetry of Li Po (Li Bai), Tu Fu (Du Fu), and other Tang Dynasty Chinese poets

15. The Mad Farmer


16. 350.org

17. "'If fight or flight is the choice, it's way easier to fly'."

18. "'It's the same damned company, Tina, the Advancement of Sound Science. Look it up, why don't you. They went off the Philip Morris payroll and into the Exxon pocket'."