Draft Response Sheet
Engl 4057/5057
Weds Feb 8, 2012
Draft Workshop
for Essay 2: "How-To," Tech Writing
ETSU, First-year composition course materials)
Author: __________________________
Shortened Version
of Title: _________________________
Reader: __________________________
1. Would someone actually want to read
this? Who is the audience for the
2. Comment on the images in the piece? Does the topic require illustrations? Are the existing illustrations useful, or are
they more decorative? Do they have
clear, helpful captions?
3. Comment on other nonverbal elements of the
piece: fonts, section headings, bulleted lists, numbered lists, sidebars,
4. Comment on the writing style. Is the writing clear and concise? Can anything be cut?
5. Is any information missing?
6. If this were your writing, what would you do
to it, to revise?
Draft Response Sheet
for Draft of Academic
Engl 4057/5057 Writing:
Theory and Teaching
Weds Feb 29, 2012
Author: __________________
Title: __________________
Reader: __________________
Date: __________________
1. Focus/ Purpose
2. Organization
3. Support and Development
4. Quotes and sources:
- quality of written
- aptness of quotes
- clarity and thoroughness
of attributions, within the text
- clarity and completeness
of documentation
5. Style