1. CHOOSE a book that you find interesting.  You can't do a good job on something you are bored with.

2. READ the book.  Nothing can substitute for you own experience with the material.

3. THINK about what you have read.  Why did the author write it?  What does it mean?  How does it relate to my

        own knowledge or experience?

4. WRITE your review so that you would enjoy reading it.  General rules to follow:

        a. Use your own words and ideas.  Plagiarism is dishonest.  Avoid clichés.

        b. Use as few quotes as possible.  Especially avoid long quotations.

        c. If you do not like the book, say so - but support your opinion with information.

        d. Do no announce what you intend to do, i.e. "Now I am going to discuss..."

        e. Organize your paper so that your statements follow a logical sequence.  Make a point.

        f. Strive for a concise, coherent, and precise style.  Do not drown your ideas in a flood of words.

5. PROOFREAD everything.  All work done outside class must be proofed, with no spelling or typing errors.

        Grammar should also be perfect.