bsmith_ReadMe_table4.dat: DIRBECAT_table4.dat: from Smith et al. (2004): `THE DIRBE Point Source Catalog', Astrophysical Journal Supplement. This table contains information about companion sources within the DIRBE beam. DIRBE Catalog sources are only included in this table if they have been flagged because they have a companion in the DIRBE beam above 25, 20, 20, 10, 30, or 55 Jy at 1.25, 2.2, 3.5, 4.9, 12, and 25 microns, respectively. The format is as follows: a17 : DIRBE name. This is the letter `D' followed by the position (2000 epoch) in format, with the decimals removed and X=P for positive declinations and X=M for negative declinations.} 1x, f6.2: Central wavelength of the relevant DIRBE band. Note that these are the DIRBE wavelengths, not the wavelength of the original observation, which may be slightly different. 1x, a23: Name of the companion. At 1.25 and 2.2 microns, companions are from the 2MASS Catalog. At 12 or 25 microns, the companions are from the IRAS Point Source Catalog or the IRAS Small Scale Structure Catalog. At 3.5 microns, companions are from the Catalog of Infrared Observations. At 4.9 microns, companions are either from the Catalog of Infrared Observations, or from the synthetic Egan and Price (1996) 4.2 micron list. Names of sources from the Egan and Price (1996) list are preceded by `E+P' to distinguish them from those in the Catalog of Infrared Observations. 1x, f10.1: Companion flux density, in Janskys, from the relevant catalog. 1x, f9.6: offset of the companion from the DIRBE Catalog position, in degrees.