Various Chandra maps of the NGC 4410 galaxy group, assuming different energies in making the exposure map

The top left picture is the Chandra 0.3 - 8 keV NGC 4410 galaxy group image, assuming an 0.8 keV monochromatic exposure map. In producing the top middle picture, an 1.0 keV monochromatic exposure map was produced. The top right was made with a 1.5 keV monochromatic exposure map, while the lower left was created assuming a 3.0 keV monochromatic spectrum. The lower middle was made using an exposure map weighted by the spectrum of NGC 4410A. For the lower right, the exposure map was weighted by the spectrum of the NGC 4410A+B complex. All four images are displayed with the same stretch. Note that the extended emission is brighter with the 0.8 keV and 3.0 keV exposure maps, as well as the weighted maps. Note, however, that the extended emission in all six maps shows the same general morphology. This consistency in morphology shows that the basic result, that there is extended emission in this group, is robust, but that the absolute flux calibration of this diffuse emission is somewhat uncertain.

These are both low energy (0.3 - 1 keV) maps. The image on the left was made with a 1 keV monochromatic exposure map, while the one on the right was made with a 0.8 keV monochromatic exposure map. They are both displayed with the same stretch. Note that the image made with the 0.8 keV exposure map shows slightly brighter extended emission. Note that the extended emission in these two maps shows the same basic morphology.

These are all middle energy (1 - 2.5 keV) maps. The image on the left was made with a 1 keV monochromatic exposure map; the image in the middle was made with a 1.5 keV monochromatic exposure map, while the map on the right was made with a 0.8 keV monochromatic map.

These are both high energy (2.5 - 8 keV) maps. The image on the left was made with a 3 keV monochromatic exposure map; the image in the middle was made with a 0.8 keV monochromatic exposure map. The source marked 'A' is the nucleus of NGC 4410A, while the source marked 'X' is the bright point source in the NGC 4410A+B-C bridge. Note again that the same basic structure is present in both images, showing that the choice of exposure map parameters does not affect the basic morphology of the map, just the absolute flux levels. Note also that there is apparent diffuse high energy radiation coming from between NGC 4410A and the bridge source. Note also that this morphology differs from that seen at lower energies.

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