SARA Images of Spitzer/GALEX Interacting Galaxies

Top row: SARA Arp 65 data from July 8, 2005.
Next row: SARA Arp 65 data from July 8, 2005 + Oct 9/11, 2005.
These images were obtained with the new U55 CCD on SARA. North is up and east to the left.

First/Left: Smoothed SARA R band image of Arp 65 from July 8, 2005, with contours from the smoothed continuum-subtracted H-alpha map superimposed. Note the artifacts from imperfect continuum subtraction. Second/Right: The Arp Atlas broadband optical image of Arp 65, to the same scale. Note that the H-alpha clumps in the western galaxy have counterparts in the Arp image. Note also that these three clumps are very red in the Spitzer
3.6+8 micron Spitzer image, indicating that they have very young stellar populations.


Continuum-subtracted smoothed H-alpha map of Arp 89 with R band contours superimposed. Star formation is observed in the nuclear regions of the two galaxies, as well as a concentration to the lower left (southeast) of the nucleus of the smaller galaxy.

1/18/05Arp202664nm14X600secclear? hazy? quarter moon
1/18/05Arp202R5X600secclear? hazy? quarter moon

Continuum-subtracted H-alpha map of Arp 202 with R band contours superimposed. North is up and east to the left.

For Arp 285 SARA images, click here.

R band image of Arp 283
Galaxy Date Filter #Images & Exposure Time Notes
Arp 2831/16/07R4 images at 600 seconds.Weather was clear.

Galaxy Date Filter #Images & Exposure Time Notes
Arp 2831/16/076595 images at 600 seconds.Weather was clear.

Arp 283 continuum-subtracted H-alpha region.

Arp 283 continuum-subtracted H-alpha region with R band contours.
January 16, 2007

Left: the SARA continuum-subtracted H-alpha map of Arp 181. Both the contours and color are H-alpha.
Right: the SARA H-alpha map (contours) on the SARA R image.
Note that the `third galaxy' marked in the GALEX image above *IS* detected in H-alpha, indicating that it is at the same redshift as Arp 181. The more eastern galaxy in Arp 181 is well-detected in H-alpha, with the spiral arms visible. The nucleus of the second Arp 181 galaxy may also be detected in H-alpha, but not the disk. Note that there are some artifacts due to imperfect continuum subtraction near the stars to the northwest of the second galaxy. Note also that the faint tail and the clump at the end of the tail are not detected in H-alpha.

3/12/05Arp 107R6x600seccloudy, crescent moon
3/12/05Arp 107678nm17x600seccloudy, crescent moon
3/12/05Arp 107B5x600seccloudy, crescent moon
3/12/05Arp 107V5x600seccloudy, crescent moon

Grey scale broadband R, V, and B images of Arp 107. Note the apparent `double bridge' in V and R.

Continuum-subtracted H-alpha map of Arp 107 (color), with R band contours superimposed. Only four sources are detected in H-alpha: the nucleus of the main galaxy (which is a Seyfert 2 galaxy), clumps #10, #21, and #26 (labeled as in the Spitzer web page), from west to north counterclockwise around the ring. Note that the bright source inside of the radius of the ring (#9 in the Spitzer listings) subtracted completely away, as did the nucleus of the companion. See the
Spitzer images for comparison.


Continuum-subtracted smoothed H-alpha map of Arp 72 with R band contours superimposed.


Zoomed-in continuum-subtracted H-alpha map of Arp 305/NGC 4016 with R band contours superimposed. H-alpha is detected inside NGC 4016. To be published in Hancock et al. 2009 (submitted to the Astronomical Journal).

Larger field-of-view continuum-subtracted H-alpha map of Arp 305/NGC 4016 with R band contours superimposed. A knot of H-alpha may also be detected in the bridge, far from the two galaxies (lower right of image = southeast). This knot is also visible in the Arp Atlas photograph.


The continuum-subtracted H-alpha map of Arp 305/NGC 4017. No H-alpha was detected from the bridge source in this shorter integration time H-alpha image.

The R band image of Arp 120
Galaxy Date Filter #Images & Exposure Time Notes
Arp 1201/16/07R4 images at 600 seconds.Weather was clear.

The final H-alpha+continuum image of Arp 120 (rotated from that shown above).
Galaxy Date Filter #Images & Exposure Time Notes
Arp 1201/16/076596 images at 600 seconds.Weather was clear.

The left image is the continuum-subtracted H-alpha region of the Arp 120 system. The second picture is the same image with R band contours.
January 16, 2007

This is the smoothed continuum-subtracted H-alpha image of Arp 120.
January 16, 2007
Note that
Kenney et al. (1995) saw the same filamentary structure in their H-alpha+[NII] image of NGC 4438.


Continuum-subtracted smoothed H-alpha image of Arp 271 (NGC 5426/7) with R band contours superimposed. North is up and east to the west. Note the HII region in the bridge, as well as the large concentration of star formation in the distorted western spiral arm of the northern galaxy NGC 5427.


Continuum-subtracted smoothed H-alpha image of Arp 297 with R band contours superimposed. The only definite detection is of the small companion to the larger galaxy (NGC 5755) in the lower part of the image.

The final R band image of Arp 261
Galaxy Date Filter #Images & Exposure Time Notes
Arp 2612/15/07R3 images at 600 seconds.Weather was clear.

The final H-alpha+continuum image of Arp 261.
Galaxy Date Filter #Images & Exposure Time Notes
Arp 2612/15/076593 images at 600 seconds.Weather was clear.

The left picture is the continuum-subtracted H-alpha map of the Arp 261 system. The right picture is of Arp 261 in H-alpha with R band contours.


The smoothed continuum-subtracted H-alpha image of Arp 282, with R band contours superimposed. H-alpha is only detected within the inner disks of these galaxies, and a small concentration at the base of the tail extending to the left in the uppermost (northern) galaxy (NGC 169). Note the very bright star off the edge of the CCD, which strongly affects this image.


The smoothed continuum-subtracted H-alpha image of Arp 290, with R band contours superimposed. H-alpha is clearly detected in the outer disk of the uppermost (more northern) galaxy (IC 196), and possibly near the center as well.

12/18/04Arp279R5X600secclear, quarter moon
12/18/04Arp279659nm13X600secclear, quarter moon

The continuum-subtracted H-alpha image of Arp 279.

12/18/04Arp82R5X600secclear, no moon
12/18/04Arp82659nm16X600secclear, no moon

The smoothed continuum-subtracted H-alpha image of Arp 82, with R-band contours superimposed. H-alpha is seen throughout the disk of NGC 2535 (the larger galaxy to the north), the inner disk of NGC 2536, along the bridge, and at the base of the northern tail of NGC 2535. A possible clump of H-alpha is also seen at the end of the northern tail.

Last updated by B. J. Smith 8/4/08