Most of these links have very little to do with math.
I do have other interests, after all! They're just sites I
enjoy. I'll add to these as I have time.
- Earth and Sky -- companion
website to the the daily 90-second show about science heard locally on
WETS-FM and on hundreds of stations all over the country.
- The 75th Anniversary of Television
-- TV was invented in 1927 by a man with the unlikely name of Philo T.
Farnsworth. Read here how he came up with the idea (plowing a
when he was 14, of all things!) and see what the very first TV
looked like.
- Johnson City Civic
Chorale -- one of my favorite activities is singing. This is
one choral group I'm in, and the only one with a web page.
There's a list of our concert repertoire and dates, as well as a
listing of the members. You might know someone else in the group
as well.
- National Public Radio
- WETS-FM (our local public radio
station, housed here at ETSU)
Funny stuff
- Feline
Reactions to Bearded Men
--written as if it were a paper in a scientific journal
- The Onion -- fake newspaper
with hilarious "stories." The Chinese news agency
was fooled into thinking it was a real newspaper, and actually reported
of their stories that Congress wanted to move somewhere else with a new
building with a retractable dome and luxury boxes!
- Toonville -- Read some of
your favorite comic strips online.
Yes, I had hair
once! This is a picture of me back in 1979, so I was either a senior in
high school or a college freshman.
Updated February 10, 2005.