This lab has two purposes:
Welcome to LabViewThe LabView software that we will be using has been developed by National Instruments, and it is an icon-based programming language. That means, that instead of programming with words as is the norm, the user programs by dropping an icon onto the screen and "wiring" it to other icons. This makes it the perfect platform for learning to use the logic gates. To receive hands-on experience with AND, OR, NOT, XOR, NAND, NOR, and XNOR gates, most digital electronics courses use a plastic grid of holes with a pattern of conductors beneath the grid in order to create digital circuits. ![]() Small ICs (metal-legged plastic chips containing logic gates) can be inserted into this grid, then the metal legs can be connected to the metal legs of other ICs using telephone wire to create a physical realization of a digital circuit. You are missing some opportunities when you don't get to have the experience of wiring the actual digital circuits. For example:
LabView allows the user to create these circuits using a control diagram and a user interface that is familiar to any MicroSoft Windows or Mac O/S user without all the messing about with wires, power supplies, and smoke. Another benefit of using LabView is the highly developed user interface tools. For example, the front panel to the most complex piece of electronic equipment can be developed with simple drag-n-drop components. An interface can be developed with inputs such as switches, buttons, knobs, sliders, text or numeric inputs, etc. Output options also have a wide range including graphs, LED's (little colored lights for lack of a better explanation), text or numeric displays, analog gauges, etc. The panel below is a quick example of what can be designed in just minutes. ![]() LabView creates what National Instruments refers to as "Virtual Instruments" or VIs. These VIs are "virtual" in the sense that the instrument doesn't really exist, but with the correct hardware, the VI running on the computer operates every bit like a true instrument. A typical VI consists of the panel (the graphical interface that the instrument's user sees) and the control diagram (the program represented with icons wired together.) An example of a control diagram is shown below. ![]() LabView then provides tool palettes that the software designer can use to place panel or control panel components. ![]() Opening a New VIFirst, bring up the LabView development environment. The first window you will see prompts you to open a new or existing virtual instrument. ![]() We are going to be creating a new virtual instrument, one that you can use to prove out the logic circuits that we've discussed in class. Therefore, press the "New VI" button. Doing this closes the intro window and displays a number of new windows. They are:
Creating the Panel With the Controls PalletEach one of the buttons on the controls pallet brings up a menu that reveals all of the possible controls or outputs you can place on the panel. Below is the result when you click on the boolean controls. ![]() The first part of this lab will be to prove out the logic
of a two-input AND gate. This means we will need to place two
inputs representing each of the AND gate inputs. Do this now
by selecting one of the input types, placing it on the panel, and
naming it. (Its name appears in a label above the control. If
you happen to click off of the label before you name it, click
on the edit text button, After I did this, this is what my panel looked like. I just happened to pick the labeled oblong buttons for my inputs. ![]() Next, place an output on the panel. This would be like an LED. ![]() Creating the Diagram With the Functions PalletNow, our user interface, simple as it may seem, is complete. Now it is time to turn our attention to programming the bits that will control this interface. Click on the diagram window. You should see that your inputs and outputs have been placed on this window. Use the mouse to arrange them to your liking. ![]() Now, we can connect the inputs and outputs with our logic. From the boolean function button, select the gate that you need to begin your logic diagram with. ![]() Note, all of the gates are 2-input gates. Later in the lab, we will be creating 3-input gates from 2-input gates. To do this, just cascade multiple 2-input gates for your equations with more than two inputs. For example: ![]() Don't worry about proving it here. We will get to that later in this lab. Now, back to the diagram. Once you've placed a component, you should see that the
run button has become broken, You may now connect the components to your inputs, outputs,
and other gates using the connect wire tool, ![]() Hint: There are a number of things you can do to make this lab far more difficult than it has to be. All of them involve shorting the "wires" together. To ensure that you are connecting the wires correctly, note that when the wiring tool is over the item it will connect to, the item's input blinks. (See the figure below.) For the two input gates, you need to make sure that you are not connecting both wires to the same input. ![]() Running the InstrumentOnce you've finished wiring the diagram, the run button
unbroken be whole again. To test your circuit, press the
run continuously button, Hint: If you cannot find why the diagram still has errors, i.e., the run button is "broken", press the broken run button and it will reveal the errors to you. Once your VI is running, call me over to verify it. Create and Verify the Three-Input AND GateUsing LabView, construct the circuit shown earlier in this document where two 2-input AND gates are used to create a 3-input AND gate. Once you've created it, verify the truth table for the 3-input AND gate. Last of all, call me over to verify the circuit's operation. Create and Verify the Four-Input OR GateUsing LabView, construct and verify the truth table for the 4-input OR gate. Remember, the output of the OR gate is a logic 1 when one or more of the inputs are a logic 1. Call me over to verify the circuit's operation. Developed by David Tarnoff for the Fall 2001 sections of CSCI 2150 at ETSU |