ENGL 4077/5077

Adolescent Lit

TRs 11:15AM-12:35PM

203 Burleson Hall


Instr:   Dr. Phyllis Thompson

Office: 213 Burleson Hall

Hours: TRs 9:45-11:15, 3:30-4:30; Fs 11:00-12:00; and by appointment

Email:  thompsop@etsu.edu

Phone: 423.439.5997









Aug 26


Introductions  & Literacy Autobiographies

Lit Autobiographies

Reflection Card 1


Introductions: Students/Course


Write & Share: Literacy Autobiographies

Howard, Jennifer.  “Americans are Closing the Book on Reading.”  The Chronicle of Higher Education.  (November 30, 2007)

               54.14: A12. http://chronicle.com/cgi-bin/printable.cgi?article=http://chronicle.com/weekly/v54/i14/14a01201.htm

National Endowment for the Arts.  To Read or Not to Read: A Question of National Consequence.  Research Report

                #47.  Washington, D.C.: Office of Research and Analysis, 2007.  http://www.nea.gov/research/ToRead.PDF


Aug 28


Who's a Young Adult? and What's YA Lit?


Defining YA Literature

Sign-up for TD and DS


UYAL, chp 1

YAs and YA Lit


Sept 2


The Bildungsroman



Adichie’s Purple Hibiscus: A Novel


Link to Chimamanda Adichie interview: http://bookcriticscircle.blogs.com/2007/02/talking-with-chimamanda-adichie.html


Scholarly Articles:

Hron, Madelaine.  Ora na-azu nwa: The Figure of the Child in Third-Generation Nigerian Novels.”

Research in African Literatures 39.2 (Summer 2008): 27-48.         


Oha, Anthony C.  “Beyond the Odds of the Red Hibiscus: A Critical Reading of Chimamanda Adichie’s Purple Hibiscus.”  The

              Journal of Pan African Studies 1.9 (August 2007):199-211.



Discussion Starter 1: _________________________________________________________________________________


Sept 4


The Bildungsroman

Reflection Card 2

Adichie’s Purple Hibiscus: A Novel

UYAL, chp 2


Link to Chimamanda Adichie interview: http://bookcriticscircle.blogs.com/2007/02/talking-with-chimamanda-adichie.html


Scholarly Articles:

Donovan, Ellen Butler.  “Disorienting Reading.”  Children’s Literature Association Quarterly.  (2007):  29-46.

Hale, Lisa A., and Chris Crowe.  "I Hate Reading If I Don't Have To": Results from a Longitudinal Study of High

School Students' Reading Interest."  The ALAN Review 28.3  Spring/Summer (2001).


Salvner, Gary.  "Lessons & Lives: Why YA Lit Matters." The ALAN Review 28.3 (Spring 2001): 9.



Discussion Starter 2: _________________________________________________________________________________


Sept 9


Historical Fiction



Crowe's Mississippi Trial, 1955

Crowe’s Getting Away with Murder (opt)

Nelson’s A Wreath for Emmett Till (opt)


Link to Chris Crowe’s website http://www.chriscrowe.com/books/trial.html


Scholarly Articles:

Brown, Joanne.  "Historical Fiction or Fictionalized History?  Problems for Writers of Historical Novels for Young

Adults." The ALAN Review 26.1 Fall (1998).  http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/ALAN/fall98

Hobbs, Renee.  "Classroom Strategies for Exploring Realism and Authenticity in Media Messages."  Reading

Online.  4.9 April 2001.  http://www.readingonline.org/newliteracies/lit_index.asp?HREF=/newliteracies/hobbs/index.html


Discussion Starter: _________________________________________________________________________________


Sept 11


Historical Fiction

Reflection Card 3


Crowe's Mississippi Trial, 1955

Crowe’s Getting Away with Murder (opt)

Nelson’s A Wreath for Emmett Till (opt)

UYAL, chp 3 and 115-116, 120-124


Link to Chris Crowe’s website http://www.chriscrowe.com/books/trial.html


Scholarly Articles:

Hannener, Rhonda, and Douglas Kellner.  "Multimedia Pedagogy and Multicultural Education for the New

Millennium."  Reading Online.  4.10 (May 2001)


Willis, Arlette Ingram, and Julia L. Johnson. “A horizon of possibilities”: A critical framework for transforming

             multiethnic literature instruction.”  Reading Online 4.3 (September 2000)



Discussion Starter: _________________________________________________________________________________


Sept 16


Sci Fi & Fantasy


Lit Circles—Group Work

Draft: Bibliographic Annotation due


Farmer's House of the Scorpion


Link to Nancy Farmer HS blog: http://www.nassaulibrary.org/YABookLog/2006/08/the_house_of_th.html


Scholarly Articles:

Bucher, Katherine T., and M. Lee Manning.  Taming the Alien Genre: Bringing Science Fiction into the Classroom.”  The

               ALAN Review  (Winter 2001)28.2: 41-45.  http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/ALAN/v28n2/bucher.html

Williams, Bronwyn T.  "’A Puzzle to the Rest of Us:’  Who is a 'reader' anyway?"  Journal of Adolescent & Adult

                Literacy.  47.8 (May 2004)



Discussion Starter: _________________________________________________________________________________


Sept 18


Sci Fi & Fantasy


Lit Circles—Presentations

Reflection Card 4


Farmer's House of the Scorpion


Link to Nancy Farmer HS blog: http://www.nassaulibrary.org/YABookLog/2006/08/the_house_of_th.html


UYAL, chp 4

Annotation Workshop



Sept 23


 The Problem Novel



Anderson's Speak

Link: Laurie Halse Anderson's web site

Scholarly Articles:

LeMieux, A.C.  "The Problem Novel in a Conservative Age."  The ALAN Review 25.3 Spring (1998).


O’Quinn, Elaine. “Between Voice and Voicelessness: Transacting Silence in Laurie Halse Anderson’s Speak.” The ALAN

               Review 29.1 (Fall 2001) 54-58.  http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/ALAN/fall01


Discussion Starter: _____________________________________________________________________________________


Sept 25


The Problem Novel and Film

Film Adaptation Exercise, Part I

Reflection Card 5


Anderson's Speak and Film Adaptation

UYAL, chp 6

Link: Laurie Halse Anderson's web site

Scholarly Articles:

Reid, Suzanne, and Sharon Stringer.  "Ethical Dilemmas in Teaching Problem Novels: The Psychological Impact of

Troubling Adolescent Literature on Adolescent Readers in the Classroom."  The ALAN Review  Winter (1997): 24.2.


Sprague, Marsha, et al.  “Today I’m going to meet a boy”: Teachers and Students Respond to Fifteen and Speak.” 

                The ALAN Review 33.1 Fall (2006).  http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/ALAN/fall06


Discussion Starter: _________________________________________________________________________________


Sept 30


The Problem Novel and Practice



Anderson's Speak and Self Defense

Link: Laurie Halse Anderson's web site


Oct 2


The Problem Novel and Potential Transformation

Mid-Term Project due

Reflection Card 6


Anderson's Speak

Lorde’s Sister Outsider

Introduction to Graphic Novels


Oct 7


Beyond Our Borders: Teaching Multicultural Lit



Satrapi’s Persepolis: The Story of Childhood


Link to Satrapi Interview: http://www.powells.com/authors/satrapi.html or http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/fourth_genre_explorations_in_nonfiction/v009/9.2root.pdf


Scholarly Articles:

Davis, Rocio G.  “A Graphic Self:  Comics as Autobiography in Marjore Satrapi’s Persepolis.”  Prose Studies:  History, Theory,

                 Criticism.  27.3 (December 2005): 264-79. (Excellent choice, but check online for this article.)

Goodwin, Jan.  “Muslims, The First Feminists.”  Price of Honor: Muslim Women Lift the Veil of Silence on the

                Islamic   World.  Boston: Little Brown, 1994.  29-47. (Excellent choice, but check availability at Sherrod.)

Mernissi, Fatima.  Beyond the Veil: Male-Female Dynamics in Modern Muslim Society.  Bloomington: Indiana UP,

1987.  vii-xxx, 7-24.  (Excellent choice, but check online to make sure this book is available at Sherrod Library.)

Naghibi, Nima, and Andrew O’Malley.  “Estranging the Familiar: ‘East’ and ‘West’ in Satrapi’s Persepolis.”  English Studies in

                Canada (June-September 2005) 31.2-3:: 223-247. (Excellent choice, but check online for this article.)


Discussion Starter: _________________________________________________________________________________


Oct 9


Beyond Our Borders: Teaching Multicultural Lit

Reflection Card 7


Satrapi’s Persepolis: The Story of Childhood

UYAL, chp 8


Link to Satrapi Interview: http://www.powells.com/authors/satrapi.html or http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/fourth_genre_explorations_in_nonfiction/v009/9.2root.pdf


Scholarly Articles:

Ericson, Bonnie O.  "At Home with Multicultural Adolescent Literature."  The ALAN Review  23.1  Fall (1995).


Leftwich, Stacey.  "Learning to Use Diverse Children's Literature in the Classroom: A Model for Preservice Teacher

Education."  Reading Online.  September 2002: 6.2. http://www.readingonline.org/newliteracies/lit_index.asp?HREF=leftwich/index.html

Wallace, Deborah A.   "Teaching Multiculturalism: Focus on People." Reading Online.  July 1998. 


Worth, “Unveiling Persepolis As Embodied Performance.”  Theatre Research International.  32.2 (July 2007):  143-160.



Discussion Starter: _________________________________________________________________________________


Oct 14







Oct 16


Exploring Format: Graphic Novels, SuperHeroes, & Action Figures



Miller’s Batman: The Dark Knight Returns


Link to Frank Miller: http://www.moebiusgraphics.com/miller.php

Link to NPR interview with Frank Miller: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=841850#share


Scholarly Articles:

Fletcher-Spear, Kristin, et al.  “The Truth about Graphic Novels: A Format, Not a Genre.”  The ALAN Review 32.2

Winter (2005): 37-44.  http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/ALAN/winter05

Shanower, Eric.  “The Art of the Graphic Novel.”  The ALAN Review 32.2 Winter (2005): 32-36. 




Discussion Starter: _________________________________________________________________________________


Oct 21


Exploring Graphic Novels and Film Adaptations



Miller’s Batman: The Dark Knight Returns


Link to trailer: http://thedarkknight.warnerbros.com/


Scholarly Articles:

Schwartz, Gretchen. “Graphic Books for Diverse Needs: Engaging Reluctant and Curious Readers.” The ALAN Review (Fall

                2002).   http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa4063/is_200210/ai_n9098438/pg_1?tag=artBody;col1

Williams, Bronwyn T.   "Boys May Be Boys, But Do They Have to Read and Write That Way."  Journal of Adolescent & Adult

               Literacy  March 2004: 47.6.  




Discussion Starter: _________________________________________________________________________________



Teaching Demonstration: ______________________________________________________________________________



Oct 23


Exploring Graphic Novels and the Classics



Miller’s Batman: The Dark Knight Returns

UYAL. Chp 7


Scholarly Articles:

Daniels, Cindy Lou.  “Literary Theory and Young Adult Literature: The Open Frontier in Critical Studies.”  The ALAN

                Review 32.2 Winter (2006).  http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/ALAN/winter06

Schwartz, Gretchen. “Graphic Books for Diverse Needs: Engaging Reluctant and Curious Readers.” The ALAN Review (Fall

                2002).   http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa4063/is_200210/ai_n9098438/pg_1?tag=artBody;col1


Discussion Starter: _________________________________________________________________________________


Teaching Demonstration: ______________________________________________________________________________


Oct 28


Workshop: Rationale, Lesson Plan, Handout, Assessment & Associated Rubric

Draft of semester project is due

(see handout for specific details)



UYAL. Chp 9


Oct 30


Project Q&A/TD




Teaching Demonstration: ______________________________________________________________________________


Teaching Demonstration: ______________________________________________________________________________


Nov 4


Sex, GBLTQ, and Difference




Sanchez’ Rainbow Boys


Link to Interview with Alex Sanchez: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa4063/is_200210/ai_n9098446


Scholarly Article (See also Nov 6 and Nov 11 selections):  

Bott, C.J.  “Why We Must Read Young Adult Books that Deal with Sexual Content.”  The ALAN Review 33.3

                Summer (2006).  http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/ALAN/summer06


Discussion Starter: _________________________________________________________________________________


Nov 6


Sex, GBLTQ, and Difference




Sanchez’ Rainbow Boys


Link to Interview with Alex Sanchez: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa4063/is_200210/ai_n9098446


Scholarly Article (See also Nov 4 and Nov 11selections):  

Cart, Michael.  “What a Wonderful World: Notes on the Evolution of GLBTQ Literature for Young Adults.”  The ALAN

Review 31.2 Winter (2004).  46-52.


Discussion Starter: _________________________________________________________________________________


Teaching Demonstration: ______________________________________________________________________________

Nov 11




See page 6 for continuation of Nov 11


UYAL, chp 10


NCTE Guidelines for Dealing with Censorship: http://www.ncte.org/about/over/positions/category/cens/107611.htm

NCTE Statement on Censorship: http://www.ncte.org/about/over/positions/category/cens/107613.htm


Scholarly Article (See also Nov 4 and Nov 6 selections):

Xu, Shelley Hong.  "Exploring Diversity Issues in Teacher Education."  Reading Online.  5.1.



Discussion Starter: _________________________________________________________________________________


Teaching Demonstration: _____________________________________________________________________________


Nov 13


Identity and Difference


Spinelli’s Stargirl


Link to Jerry Spinelli’s Website http://www.jerryspinelli.com/newbery_001.htm

Link to Jerry Spinelli YouTube Interview: Writing for Adults or Children: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPBUS9J8A6Q


Teaching Demonstration: _____________________________________________________________________________


Nov 18


Identity and Difference



Spinelli’s Stargirl

UYAL. Chp 11

Teaching Demonstration: _____________________________________________________________________________


Nov 20


Bringing Poems and Poetry into your Classroom

Bring in a “found” poem


Janeczko’s Seeing the Blue Between: Advice & Inspiration for Young Poets, Fleishchman’s Big Talk: Poems for Four Voices (opt), Fletcher’s Poetry Matters: Writing Poetry from the Inside Out, Find a poem!  Write a poem!


Link to Paul Fleischman’s pages: http://www.paulfleischman.net


Scholarly Articles:

Kaywell, Joan.  "Using Young Adult Fiction and NonFiction to Produce Critical Readers."  The ALAN Review  21.2

Winter (1994). http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/ALAN/winter94/Kaywell.html

Lipsett, Laura.  "No Need to 'Duck, Run and Hide:' YA Poetry that Taps into You." The ALAN Review 28.3 Spring

(2001).  http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/ALAN/spring01


Nov 25


Bringing Poems and Poetry into your Classroom

Semester Projects due


Poe’s “The Raven” (online copy of poem)


Nov 27


Thanksgiving Holiday

No classes



Thanksgiving Holiday


Dec 2





Teaching Demonstration: _____________________________________________________________________________


Teaching Demonstration: _____________________________________________________________________________


Dec 4





Teaching Demonstration: _____________________________________________________________________________


Teaching Demonstration: _____________________________________________________________________________


Exam Week

A Zydeco Capstone:

Sharing Field Guides and Wrapping Up
