ENGL 4417/4517



TR 2:15-3:35PM

Burleson 203



Instr:    Dr Phyllis Thompson

Office:  213 Burleson Hall

Hours: TR 9:45-11:15, 2:30-3:30, F 11-12noon, and by appointment

Email:  thompsop@etsu.edu

TEL:     423.439.5997









Week I

Introductions & Core Beliefs about Teaching/Learning


August 26

Introductions: Course & Students

Reading Territories Intros

Writing:   New Teacher Checklist  due

August 28

Conceptualizing Education and Educators:

Re-Thinking Teaching, Learning, and Literacy

Sketching a Statement of Teaching Philosophy

Reading: Friere, "Pedagogy of the Oppressed"   

                Burke, chp. 22, 24 (online)

Writing:    Concept of Education due

Week 2

Classroom Environment and Effective Teaching


September 2

Classroom Environment

The Art of Listening

Reading: Burke, 5-51

Writing:    Five Features of Effective Environment

                Bring in completed “Reading Territories 

September 4

Components of Effective Teaching, Constructing Lesson Plans, and Designing the Unit Plan

Mini Lessons

Reading: Burke, 51-94, Atwell chp 6

Writing:    Five Features of Effective Teaching due

                Bring novel selection for show n’ tell

Week 3

Teaching Poetry


September 9

Selecting Poetry to Teach

Mini-Lessons by

Reading: Somers chps 1-4, poems due

Writing:    Mini-Lesson

September 11

Method: Responding to Poetry by Talking

Mini-Lessons by

Reading: Somers, chps 5-6

Writing:    Mini-Lesson

Week 4

Teaching Poetry


September 16

Method: Performing and Writing

Mini-Lessons by

Reading: Somers, chps 7-8

Writing:    Mini-Lesson

September 18

Method: Form and Technique

Mini-Lessons by

Reading: Somers, chp 9

Writing:    Mini-Lesson

Week 5

Teaching Poetry


September 23

Assessment, PAC, and the Internet

Mini-Lessons by

Reading: Somers, chps 10-12; Golub, chp 8

Writing:    Mini-Lesson

September 25

Mini-Lessons by

Workshop: Teaching Philosophy Statement

Writing:    Teaching Philosophy (draft) due

Week 6

Teaching Literature


September 30

Fake Reading and Reading Realities

Teaching Demonstration:

Reading: Tovani, chps. 1-5, Atwell chp.2

Writing:    Use strategies to design lesson plan for

                novel of your choice

                Teaching Phil Statement (final) due

October 2

Reading Strategies that Work

Teaching Demonstration:

Reading: Tovani, chps. 6-9, Barry, "Reading Strategies Teachers …Use." JAAL 46.2 http://www.reading.org/Library/Retrieve.cfm?D=10.1598/JAAL.46.2.4&F=JAAL-46-2-Barry.pdf

Writing:    Use strategies to design lesson plan

Week 7

Teaching Literature


October 7

Pre, During, and Post Reading Activities

Teaching Demonstration:

Reading: Beers, chps. 6-8, 14

Writing:    Use strategies to design lesson plan for

                Novel of your choice

October 9

Workshop: Rationale

Teaching Demonstration:

Reading:  Your choice

Writing:    Rationale (draft for workshop) due

Week 8

Using Technology in the Classroom


October 14

Technology Workshop: TBA

Teaching Demonstration:

Reading: Explore online resources

Writing:    Design technology component

October 16

Technology Workshop or Unit Plan Workshop

Teaching Demonstration:

Reading:  Explore online resources

Writing:    Design technology component

Week 9

Teaching Film


October 21

Film Terms and Reading Strategies

Teaching Demonstration:

Reading: Golden, chps 1-2

Writing:    Design film activity for unit plan

October 23

Reading Film as Literature

Teaching Demonstration:

Reading: Golden, chp 3

Writing:    Design film activity for unit plan

Week 10

Teaching Film and Reading Graphic Novels


October 28

Reading Film

Teaching Demonstration:

Reading: Golden, chp 4

Writing:    Design film activity for unit plan

October 30

Reading Graphic Novels

Teaching Demonstration:

Reading: Carter, TBA

Writing:    Use a graphic novel in unit plan

Week 11

Teaching Graphic Novels


November 4

Using Graphic Novels in the Classroom

Teaching Demonstration:

Reading: Carter, TBA

Writing:    Use a graphic novel in unit plan

November 6

Using Graphic Novels in the Classroom

Workshop: Lesson Plan

Teaching Demonstration:

Reading: Carter, TBA

Writing:    Lesson Plan (draft) due

Week 12

Writing and the Interactive Classroom


November 11

Community and Contexts Writing Activities

Teaching Demonstration:

Reading: Golub, chps 1-4

Writing:    Revise Unit Plan

November 13

Writing Activities for the Interactive Classroom

Teaching Demonstration:

Reading: Golub, chps. 5-7, Jago, chp. 6

Writing:    Revise Unit Plan

Week 13

Responding to Writers and their Writing

Assessment, Evaluation, and Grading Teaching Demonstrations


November 18

Managing the Paper Load, Providing Constructive Comments, and Holding Productive Conferences

Teaching Demonstration:

Reading: Jago, chps. 1,2,4

Writing:   Revise Unit Plan

November 20

Defining the Terms: Assessment, Evaluation, Grading

Assessing Student Progress and Teacher Performance Tools of the Trade: Measuring Student Progress

A Question of Fairness—When is an "A" always an "A"? Teaching Demonstration:

Reading: Jago, chps. 5,7,8

Writing:   Revise Unit Plan

Week 14

Issues in Teaching English


November 25


LD, Gender, Culture, Race, and Sexual Orientation

Teaching Demonstration:

Writing:   Revise Unit Plan

November 27

Thanksgiving Holiday

Thanksgiving Holiday

Week 15



December 2

Workshop: Unit

Teaching Demonstration:

Writing:   Revise Unit Plan

December 4

Workshop: Unit

Writing:   Revise Unit Plan

Final Exam December 9th

Zydeco Roundtable on Teaching Strategies that Work  (10:30-12:30PM)

Writing:       Teaching Unit

Oral  Exam: Teaching Strategies that Work