The Bishop Research Group is located in the Department of Chemistry at East Tennessee State University. Our primary focus is on the development and application of nanomaterials-based electrochemical techniques to serve as platforms for sensing and biosensing. Nanomaterials have been shown to provide interesting and advantageous properties compared to bulk materials in terms of electrochemical performance. For example, the large surface area-to-volume ratios of nanomaterials can lead to electrochemical responses with improved signal-to-noise over bulk materials and can even help impart electrocatalytic capabilities. We use electrochemical methods and other analytical chemistry techniques to prepare, characterize, and optimize nanoparticle-modified electrodes and nanomaterial-based labels for improved sensor response as well as micro- and nanoelectrodes and nanopipettes for ultrasensitive measurements of single molecule or nanoparticle species.
Greg Bishop
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry
408 Brown Hall
East Tennessee State University
PO Box 70695
Johnson City, Tennessee 37614
Phone: 423-439-6914
Fax: 423-439-5835