ETSU Abstract Algebra Club
The ESTU Abstract Algebra Club logo
Our "logo" which gives the relationship between a normal subgroup H and its cosets in group G
and the canonical homomorphism φ from G onto φ[G].

The ETSU Abstract Algebra Club is an unofficial, unrecognized organization created by Robert "Dr. Bob" Gardner in 2014 to promote abstract (or modern) algebra and the classes which ETSU offers in this area. ETSU offers two undergraduate/graduate level cross-listed classes, Introduction to Modern Algebra (MATH 4127/5127) and Introduction to Modern Algebra 2 (MATH 4137/5137), and two graduate-only level classes, Modern Algebra 1 (MATH 5410) and Modern Algebra 2 (MATH 5420).

Membership is open to all ETSU students interested in abstract algebra. Perks of membership include the right to attend club meetings and presentations, and an unofficial membership card:

Image of a generic membership card
If you would like to join, then send an e-mail to Dr. Bob ( and he will (eventually) get around to having a membership card printed up for you.

Textbooks, Class Notes, and Syllabi

The textbooks currently (academic 2014-15) used in the modern algebra classes at ETSU are:

Fraleigh's A First Course in Abstract Algebra book, 7th edition
A First Course in Abstract Algebra, 7th edition,
by John B. Fraleigh (2002)
Hungerford's Algebra book
by Thomas W. Hungerford (1974)
You can find notes based on these books online. The links labeled with a parenthetic G, "(G)," are versions of the notes housed on Google Drive (both versions are publicly available, without a need for login). Some syllabi are online for some of our modern algebra classes:


The following online presentations may be of interest to club members:

Some supplemental class notes which might also interest members (but is a bit more technical than the above presentations) include:

Club Activities

The club started holding official meetings during fall 2014. Activities have included presentations relevant to abstract algebra, pizza feasts, and the design of a t-shirt. For more details on club activities, click on the links below.

  1. Fall 2014 activities.
  2. Spring 2015 activities.
  3. Fall 2015 activities.
  4. Spring 2016 activities.
  5. Fall 2016 activities.
  6. Spring 2017 activities.
  7. Fall 2017 activities.
  8. Spring 2018 activities.
  9. Fall 2018 activities.
  10. Spring 2019 activities.
  11. Fall 2019 activities.
  12. Spring 2020 activities.
  13. Fall 2021 activities.
  14. Spring 2022 activities.
  15. Fall 2022 activities.
  16. Spring 2023 activities.
  17. Fall 2023 activities.
  18. Fall 2024 activities.
  19. Spring 2025 activities.

Return to Bob Gardner's home page
Last updated: February 7, 2025.