The ETSU Abstract Algebra Club held its historic first meeting on Friday, September 12, 2014! There were roughly 25 members in attendance.
The topic of a club t-shirt was discussed and it appeared that 20 to 25 members were interested, provided the price was around $15 or $20. Dr. Bob, with the assistance of volunteer Samuel Kakraba, will explore options for the printing of shirts. There seemed to be a concensus to use the clubs logo on the front of the shirt and an illustration of Zassenhaus' Butterfly Lemma on the back.
Dr. Bob gave his presentation on "Groups: A Geometric Introduction," and the availability of a video version was also mentioned (on YouTube here).
At the conclusion of the meeting, a group photograph was taken and some members adjourned to El Charolais for additional discussions.
The design and color of club t-shirts was agreed upon in mid-October. Money was collected at a rate of $17 per shirt and the shirts were printed by ZZTopps of Johnson City. The shirts were unexpectedly popular and 47 shirts were ordered. They were completed on November 12. Here's the front and back of the shirts:
If you would like to get a shirt, then a few extras were ordered. Contact Dr. Bob for details.
The second meeting was held on Monday, November 24, 2014 in Warf-Pickel room 308. There were roughly 25 members in attendance. Pizza from the Italian Pizza Pub was provided, using extra money left over from t-shirt sales. Dr. R.B. Beeler gave a presentation "Group Theory and the Rubik's Cube," which illustrated an application of group theory to the permutations of Rubik's cube. The slides of his presentation are online: PDF.
The meeting gave members the first chance to collectively show off the club t-shirts.
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Last updated: November 26, 2014.