7. Empirical Detection of the Topology of the Universe

One way to detect the topology of the universe would be, as described above, to look for multiple copies of ourselves. This could be done by looking for, say, the Milky Way galaxy in distant images. Unfortunately, on these scales, anything we can currently detect evolves too fast to be recognized as it appeared billions of years ago (the amount of time it would take light to reach us from our distant self). Therefore we need a less direct way to check the topology of the universe.

Some 200,000 years after the big bang, the universe became transparent to radiation and a shower of light was released. This is seen today as the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). This radiation (first detected in the early 1960's by Penzias and Wilson) is one of the strongest pieces of evidence for the big bang.

Today the CMB appears as a giant sphere of radiation with us at the center of it (we are not in a special place - all locations see the CMB as a sphere of radiation with the observer at the center). If the universe is a 3-torus and if the radius of the CMB sphere is sufficiently large, then it will not fit within the fundamental domain.
In that case, we will see multiple copies of ourselves, each of which is at a center of an image of the CMB sphere. Therefore we will see the spheres intersect each other in circles.
In such a case, we could detect the topology of the universe by looking for these circles in the sky. For example, if the universe is a giant 3-torus, then we might see three pairs of circles in the sky, each resulting from the intersection of the CMB sphere with itself in the principle directions (the front-back, left-right, and top-bottom as described above).

In the 3-torus case, we have three possibilities:

(From J.P. Luminet, G.D. Starkman, and J.R. Weeks (1999). Is Space Finite? Scientific American, April 1999, 90-97 [reference 9].)
These cases (in which the fundamental domain of the universe is large, medium or small, respectively, as compared to the CMB sphere) lead to the following circles of inhomogeneities (respectively):

(From J.P. Luminet, G.D. Starkman, and J.R. Weeks (1999). Is Space Finite? Scientific American, April 1999, 90-97 [reference 9].)

It is the search for these "circles in the sky" that may lead us to answer the fundamental question: "What is the shape of the universe?"

Goto Section 8.