If your plan is for 1 year, plant rice. If your plan is for 10 years, plant trees. If your plan is for 100 years, educate children." - Confucius



Dr. Amy Malkus, Associate Professor and Graduate Coordinator

Early Childhood Education and Development

Department of Human Development & Learning

College of Education - Box 70548

Johnson City, TN 37614-1707


Phone: 410-463-0841

Fax: 423-439-7790

Office: Warf-Pickel 516

ETSU Teaching Schedule

Current Semester: Fall 2009
bulletUndergraduate Courses
bulletECED 4517 - Family, School, Community Relationships, TTR 8:15-9:35, Warf-Pickel 515
bulletECED 4347 - Technology & Media in Inclusive ECE, TTR 9:45-11:05, Warf-Pickel 207L
bulletECED 4347 - Technology & Media in Inclusive ECE, T 4:00-6:50, Warf-Pickel 207L
bulletGraduate Courses
bulletECED 5517 - Family, School, Community Relationships, TTR 8:15-9:35, Warf-Pickel 515
bulletECED 5347 - Technology & Media in Inclusive ECE, TTR 9:45-11:05, Warf-Pickel 207L
bulletECED 5347 - Technology & Media in Inclusive ECE, T 4:00-6:50, Warf-Pickel 207L
bulletOnline Course
bullet ECED 4517-5517 = Family, School, Community Relationships, Online

Academic Philosophy and Research Interests

Philosophy of Education: Knowledge is a process, not a product - it is a mutual journey made by both student and teacher - with neither ever reaching the end

Research Interests: Children's conflict resolution strategies as they relate to video game play; Children's/adolescent's environmental attitudes and concerns, particularly as they relate to prosocial development


bullet1988 - Washington College - BA - Psychology major, History minor
bullet1992 - Purdue University - MS - Early Childhood Education
bullet1995 - Purdue University - Ph.D. - Child Development

Conference Presentations

Malkus, A. J. (May, 2007). The adolescent brain and addiction. Workshop presented at the meeting for the Maryland Addictions Directors’ Council, Ocean City, MD.

Malkus, A. J. (November 2006). Adolescent brain development and brain-based learning. Workshop presented at the meeting for the Maryland Association of Prevention Professionals and Advocates, Baltimore, MD.

Malkus, A. J., Edmonds, K., Leitnaker, S., Lutz, S., Moore, J., & Rose, J. (July 2006). The relationship of video games and physical activity to homework performance in fourth and fifth grade students. Paper presented at the annual East Tennessee State University Early Childhood Conference, Johnson City, TN. (This paper was also presented at the Appalachian Undergraduate Student Research Symposium and the 2006 Appalachian Student Research Forum in March 2006 in Johnson City, TN).

Malkus, A. J. (May, 2006). Adolescent brain development. Workshop presented at the meeting for the Maryland Addictions Directors’ Council, Ocean City, MD.

Malkus, A. J., & Evanshen, P. (April, 2006). Show me the money: Grant writing for technology. Workshop presented at the meeting for the Association of Childhood Education International, San Antonio, TX.

Malkus, A. J. (May, 2005). Show me the money: Grant writing for addictions. Workshop presented at the meeting for the Maryland         Addictions Directors’ Council, Ocean City, MD.

Malkus, A. J. (May, 2005). Multicultural proficiency: Practical applications with addictions clients. . Workshop presented at the meeting for the Maryland Addictions Directors’ Council, Ocean City, MD.

Malkus, A. J. (June, 2004). Cultural proficiency in times of crisis. Workshop presented for Johns Hopkins University and the Eastern Shore AHEC, Cambridge, MD.

Malkus, A. J. (May, 2004). Show me the money: Grant writing for addictions. Workshop presented at the meeting for the Maryland Addictions Directors’ Council, Ocean City, MD.

Malkus, A. J., Evanshen, P., & Phillips, L. (April, 2004). 21st century teaching with technology: From the college classroom to the preschool/primary learning environment. Workshop presented at the meeting for the Association of Child Education International, New Orleans, LA.

Meinhold, J. L., & Malkus, A. J. (April, 2003). Examining the relationship between adolescent self-efficacy and environmental attitudes, knowledge, and behaviors. Paper presented at the meeting for the Society for Research in Child Development, Tampa, FL.

Malkus, B. M., & Malkus, A. J. (November, 2002). Using the DSM-IV-TR in addictions. Workshop presented for the Eastern Shore CDM Consortium and the Eastern Shore AHEC, Denton, MD.

Malkus, A. J. (October, 2002). Multicultural proficiency: Practical applications with addictions clients. Workshop presented for the Eastern Shore CDM Consortium and the Eastern Shore AHEC, Denton, MD.

Malkus, A. J., & Meinhold, J. L. (2000, October).  Young people and the environment: An international project: U.S. data. Poster presented at the meeting for the North American Association for Environmental Education, South Padre Island, TX.  

Malkus, A. J., & Musser, L. M. (1999, April). Common concerns of school-age children. Poster presented at the meeting for the Society for Research in Child Development, Albuquerque, NM.

Malkus, A. J., & Musser, L. M. (1997, April).  Environmental concern in school-age children. Poster presented at the meeting for the Society for Research in Child Development, Washington, DC.

Malkus, A. J., & Musser, L. M. (1994, April).  The relationship between children's attachment to pets and their attitudes toward the environment: A prosocial development perspective.  Paper presented at the Human Development Conference, Pittsburgh, PA. 

Malkus, A. J., & Musser, L. M. (1993, March).  Children and the new 3 rs (reduce, reuse, recycle): Attitudes toward the environment. Poster presented at the meeting for the Society for Research in Child Development, New Orleans, LA.



Refereed Publication:

Meinhold, J. L., & Malkus, A. J. (2005). Adolescent environmental behaviors: Can knowledge, attitudes, and self-efficacy make a difference? Environment and Behavior.

Musser, L. M., & Malkus, A. J. (1994). The Children's Attitudes Toward the Environment Scale. Journal of Environmental Education, 25(1), 22-26.

Non-Refereed Publication:

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5. (1994). The ABC’s of environmental education (U.S. EPA Publication No. 905-K-94-001). Chicago: A. J. Malkus.

Book Chapter:

Malkus, A. J., & Meinhold, J. L. (2002). United States of America. In J. Fien, D. Yencken, & H. Sykes (Eds). Young people and the environment: An Asia-Pacific perspective. The Netherlands: Kluwer.


Malkus, A. J. (2007). Instructor’s manual (4th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice-Hall. (This is a 374-page instructor’s manual for Children and Their Development, 4E by R. Kail).

Malkus, A. J. (2007). Test item file (4th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice-Hall. (This is a 342-page test item file for Children and Their Development, 4E by R. Kail).

Malkus, A. J. (2007). Study guide (4th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice-Hall. (This is a 264-page study guide for Children and Their Development, 4E by R. Kail.)


University Teaching Experiences

Courses Taught at Other Schools:

bulletWASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY (Assistant Professor)
bulletHD 101 - Lifespan Development
bulletHD 201 - Intro to Child Development
bulletHD 302 - Parent-Child Relationships (EDP)
bulletHD 310 - Research Methods (EDP)
bulletHD 342 - Curriculum in Early Childhood Education
bulletHD 350 - Diversity in Contemporary Families
bulletHD 406 - Work and Family (EDP)
bulletHD 482 - Assessment


bulletOAKLAND CITY UNIVERSITY (Adjunct Professor)
bulletBUS 321 - Statistics for Non-Statistics Users 


bulletPURDUE UNIVERSITY (Teaching Assistant)
bulletCDFS 211 - Introduction to Child Development 
bulletCDFS 255 - Marriage and the Family 



My heart and soul still live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland where I was born in 1966. My family has lived on the Chesapeake Bay since the 1600s, and we have farmed the land for almost 100 years. My mom's relatives sailed from England with Capt. John Smith, and helped settle Jamestown before moving up the Shore to Maryland. My dad's family immigrated from many countries (Switzerland, Austria-Hungary, Poland, Germany) in the late 19th and early 20th centuries - but all of these immigrants spoke some variation of German. As you can tell, family history is very interesting to me. I come from a very large extended family on both my Mom's and Dad's sides. I am one of the first in my family to move away from the Eastern Shore. After graduating from a tiny (800 people) liberal arts college (Washington College, also on the Eastern Shore of Maryland) in 1988, I moved to Edinburgh, Scotland, where I worked as a bartender/waitress. When I returned home, I got a job as a newspaper reporter/photographer at my hometown paper. After working there a year, I moved to Indiana, where I spent the next 7 years in graduate school at Purdue University. Since leaving home in 1989, I have moved 16 times, living in several Indiana towns, Chicago, IL, Savannah, GA, and Pullman, WA. My move to the Tri-Cities was the 4th move in 5 years, which is why I am known as the gypsy of my family.


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My Consanguineous Family:
bulletMy mother, Dr. Betty Malkus is the recently retired director of Addictions at the Caroline Counseling Center in Denton, MD.
bulletMy dad, Milton Malkus III, is a farmer.
bulletMy brother, Dr. Mark Malkus  is a physician in Cambridge.
bulletHis wife, Mindie Malkus, a realtor, and their 3 children: Hayley Malkus, 14, Jack Malkus, 13 and Carter Malkus, 11
bulletMy brother, Chad Malkus, is a lawyer in Cambridge, Maryland.  
bulletHis wife, Steffanie Malkus, a shop owner, and their sons, Lachlan (Lake) Malkus, 6, and Fynn Malkus (born September 14, 2008).


My Johnson City Family:        

bulletTabasco - 13 years old. Tabasco is a big gray and white Maine Coon who is as spicy as his name. He's not afraid of anything including the vacuum.
bulletTuscon - 13 years old. Tuscon is an orange and white tabby who loves to type on the computer. He is a big fraidy cat, and can usually be found hiding under the bed or in the closet.
bulletChai - 1 year old. Chai, aka Mr. Trouble, is the newest addition to the Malkus family, This orange and white tabby's favorites include toilet flushing and tail chasing.

Favorites: A Psychological Profile

Food : Risotto and gnocchi - Viva l'Italia!
Color : Tyrian purple, Merlot wine, Basic black (for the traditionalist)
Music : From REM to the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Dave Matthews Band to Danzig, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy to Bob Marley, I am willing to try anything! Special loves: Blues, Zydeco, Irish Drinking Songs
Movies : Just like music, I am a movie whore. I like to go at least once a week and will watch just about anything. Entertainment trivia is my forte.
bulletMy favorite movies (bordering on an obsession): Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring, Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Are you sensing a theme?)
bulletMovies that hit me hard: Platoon, Gallipoli, The Mission, Sophie's  Choice, Smoke Signals, Life is Beautiful, The Sixth Sense, Traffic
Books : Historical fiction (particularly ancient Rome), murder mysteries, and science fiction (especially Tolkien, Guy Gavriel Kay, and Robert Jordan)
Flower : Anything vibrant, colorful, and showy, except lilies
Bird: Only two - the Canada Goose and the crow. I really can't stand birds, especially penguins.
Games : Cards (especially Poker), Magic-The Gathering, role-playing computer games (Lord of the Rings Online, Oblivion, Morrowind, Neverwinter Nights, Baldur's Gate, Might and Magic, etc.), any board games except chess
TV : CSI (all 3), Law & Order (all 3), Survivor, Fringe, American Idol,  Supernatural, Criminal Minds, How I Met Your Mother, Bones, The Mentalist, Big Bang Theory, Medium
bullet Not-so-favorites: Infomercials, talk shows (any and all), anything on ESPN
bulletA Moment of Mourning for our Fallen Companions: Angel, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, and Charmed
Sports : To watch: The Olympics, soccer, gymnastics, ice-skating, but especially horse racing - I never miss a Triple Crown broadcast. To do: water aerobics, kickboxing, weight-lifting
Recreation : Playing computer games or cards, READING - I get grouchy if I don't read a book a week, cooking, traveling, movies, and counted cross-stitch
Places : New Orleans, Edinburgh, and the Eastern Shore of Maryland
Intellectual exercise : Talking to my family
Politicians : Thomas Jefferson, FDR, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Vehicle : My silver 2002 PT Cruiser (name: Sterling), my little yellow Honda CRX (name: Sting) that was totaled when some overzealous firemen in Indiana threw a flaming sofa on top of it.

                                                                  09/11/2009 Last Updated                     Hit Counter