The Cultural Link

April 2008

 Published by the Office of Cultural Affairs, Division of Health Sciences, East Tennessee State University

Exploring culture and diversity in health and health care

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 STD Awareness and Alcohol Awareness 

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Article of the Month
and Campus and Community Events


Did You Know?


April Health Awareness and Cultural Observances  

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For assistance with references: Elaine Evans, Reference Assistant, COM Library



Multicultural Communications Month

   Spotlight On


Improving communication with others can start with better understanding ourselves:  What can you do about unconscious stereotypes and prejudices?  

Test Yourself for Hidden Biases


What can we do to enhance our multicultural communication skills?  Enhancing multicultural communication skills.


Autism Awareness


What disparities do African Americans with autism face?  Why? Disparities Among African Americans with Autism  


A new Distinct Website for Families Living with Autism  reviews a website aimed at parents of African American children with autism.


Certain locations proved more useful for identifying children of minority mothers, younger mothers, and less educated mothers - what are these locations and why does it matter?  Prevalence of autism in a US metropolitan area

Story of Thomas "Blind Tom" Wiggins, A Blind and Autistic Slave who was a musical genius. 



Consider the perspective of a person with autism spectrum disorder.  An autistic woman tells
her world is like and advocates for herself and other autistic people in this video on You Tube: Being an Unperson

"An unperson is a prejudice in people's minds"


by silentmiaow


What does silentmiaow hope she can communicate to us? to health and human service providers?


                          STD Awareness

                 Alcohol Awareness



 Syphilis rate falling  due  to rate reduction in one racial group, but social determinants of health considered more  important than race or ethnicity.  Promising Sign for CDC Campaign to Eliminate Syphilis in U.S.

The importance of health providers bringing up the subject with patients at risk of having Sexually Transmitted Diseases 



 Cultural patterns
 between and within
 four female minority
 populations were
 found to affect the
 role of alcohol use
 Minority Women and Alcohol Use

Does alcohol discriminate between men
and women?  Alcohol and Gender


Is alcohol really good for You? A good
question for anyone to explore. 

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