Vernon W. Pine - Publications
- V.W. Pine, "Prompt Gamma Effects in a Homogeneous
Atmosphere," AFWL-EMP-TN-66 (1970).
- R.E. Schaeffer, V.W. Pine and W.R. Graham, "New
Considerations in Close-In EMP," AFWL-TR-70-27
- W.L. Chadsey, C.W. Wilson, and V.W. Pine, "X-Ray
Photoemission Calculations," IEEE Trans. Nuc. Sci.,
NS-22, 2345 (1975).
- B.L. Beers and V.W. Pine, "Functional Expansion
Technique For Monte Carlo Electron Transport," IEEE
Trans. Nuc. Sci, NS-23, 2850 (1976).
- W.L. Chadsey, B.L. Beers, V.W. Pine and C.W. Wilson,
"Radiation-Induced Signals in Cables," IEEE Trans.
Nuc. Sci., NS-23, 1933 (1976).
- O.L. Meyer, W.L. Chadsey and V.W. Pine, "Internal
SGEMP Response of A Communications Van to AURORA
Irradiation," IEEE Trans. Nuc. Sci., NS-24, 2473
- B.L. Beers, H.C. Hwang, D.L. Lin, and V.W. Pine,
"Electron Transport Model of Dielectric Charging,"
in the Proceedings, Spacecraft Charging Technology -
1978, NASA Conference Publication 2071,
AFGL-TR-79-082, 209 (1979).
- B.L. Beers, H.C. Hwang, D.L. Lin, and V.W. Pine,
"Electron Transport Model of Dielectric Charging,"
in the Proceedings, Spacecraft Charging Technology -
1978, NASA Conference Publication 2071,
AFGL-TR-79?082, 209 (1979).
- B.L. Beers, V.W. Pine, H.C. Hwang, and H.W.
Bloomberg, "Negative Streamer Development in FEP
Teflon," IEEE Trans. Nuc. Sci., NS-26, 5127
- B.L. Beers and V.W. Pine, "Electron Beam Charged
Dielectrics - Internal Charge Distribution," in the
Proceedings, Spacecraft Charging Technology - 1980,
NASA Conference Publication 2182, AFGL-TR-81-0270,
1732 (1981).
- B.L. Beers, V.W. Pine and S.T. Ives, "Internal
Breakdown of Charged Spacecraft Dielectrics," IEEE
Trans. Nuc. Sci., NS-28, 4529 (1981).
- V.W. Pine, B.L. Beers, and S.T. Ives, "Theoretical
Properties of Streamers in Solid Dielectrics," in
the Proceedings of the Conference on Electrical
Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena - 1981, 390
- D.J. Strickland, B.L. Beers, and V.W. Pine,
"Dielectric Charging - The Effects of Straggling and
Soft X-Ray Irradiation," IEEE Trans. Nuc. Sci.,
NS-28, 4553 (1981).
- V.W. Pine, B.L. Beers, and S.T. Ives, "Dielectric
Charging in Space - Ground Test Data and Model
Verification," IEEE Trans. Nuc. Sci., NS-30, 4290
- D.J. Strickland, V.W. Pine and B.L. Beers, "The
Effect of Pulsed Soft X-Ray Irradiation on
Precharged Dielectrics," Journal of Radiation
Effects, Vol 2, No. 1 (1983)
- V. W. Pine and H.W. Bloomberg , "Thermalization of
Secondary Electrons Under AMSGEMP Conditions," IEEE
Trans. Nuc. Sci., NS-31, 1524 (1984).
- Vernon W. Pine, "Data Visualization with Small
Multiples", Master's Thesis, East Tennessee State
University, 1996.