Arp 112 = NGC 7805/6. FOV = 3.7' X 2.9'.
North is down. NGC 7806 is the larger galaxy to the north,
with the longer tails. NGC 7805 is the galaxy to the southwest (upper left).
The extended source to the east (right) is KUG 2359+311. No redshift
is available for this object. It is not clear whether it is associated
with this pair, and if so, whether it is a pre-existing dwarf galaxy
or a tidal dwarf galaxy.
Arp 65 = NGC 90/93. FOV = 5.5' X 4.4'
North to right. NGC 93 is to the north.
Lisa Young has been awarded VLA
observing time to map Arp 65 in the 21 cm HI line.
Arp 35 = UGC 212/UGC 212 NOTES01. FOV = 5.5' X 4.4'.
North is down. UGC 212 is the larger galaxy
to the north. The smaller galaxy is called
UGC 212 NOTES01 in NED.
Arp 100 = IC 18/19. FOV = 11.3' X 9.0'.
North is down. IC 18 is the galaxy with the long tail to the north.
Arp 282 = NGC 169/169A FOV = 3.7' X 2.9'
North to left. NGC 169 is to the north (the larger galaxy).
Arp 290 = IC 195/6. FOV = 3.7' X 2.9'.
North is up. IC 196 to the north.
Arp 279 = NGC 1253 FOV = 11.3' X 9.0'.
North is to the right.
An HI map of Arp 120 was also published in Hota et al. (2007), MNRAS,
380, 1009
Vassilis Charmandaris has some unpublished CO interferometer data of
Arp 295.
HI maps of Arp 86 have been published
by Sengupta et al. (2009).
Last updated on 6/22/2011 by
B. J. Smith
Arp 279 HI Clemens and Alexander (2001) FOV = 13' X 12'
Arp 82 = NGC 2535 FOV = 5.5' X 4.4'.
North is down.
Arp 82 HI Kaufman et al. (1997) FOV = 7' X 7'
Arp 89 = NGC 2648/KPG 168B FOV = 5.5' X 4.4'.
North is down. The northern (larger) galaxy is NGC 2648.
Arp 202 = NGC 2719/2719A FOV = 3.7' X 2.9'.
North to left. The larger galaxy is NGC 2719.
Arp 285 = NGC 2854/6. FOV = 5.5' X 4.4'.
North to left. The more northern galaxy is Arp 2856.
Arp 285 HI Chengular
et al. (1994). Not yet in HI Rogues list.
Arp 253 = UGC 173/4. FOV = 3.7' X 2.9'.
North to the right. The more northern galaxy is UGC 174.
Arp 245 = NGC 2992/3.
North is up and east to the left. The more northern galaxy is NGC 2992.
Arp 245 HI
Duc et al. (2000).
Arp 283 (NGC 2798/9). North is down and east to the right.
Arp 181 =NGC 3212/5. FOV = 3.7' X 2.9'.
North is to the left. The more northern galaxy is NGC 3212.
Arp 192 = NGC 3303 NED01/02. FOV = 3.7' X 2.9'.
North is up. NGC 3303 NED01 is the more northern knot.
Arp 270 HI contours on DSS map.
Clemens et al. (1999).
Arp 107 = UGC 5984 FOV = 3.7' X 2.9'.
North is up.
Arp 205 = NGC 3448/UGC 6016. FOV = 11.3' X 9.0'.
The larger galaxy is NGC 3448.
North is to the right.
This VLA HI map of Arp 205 is published in Noreau and Kronberg (1986, AJ,
92, 1048)
but is not in the HI Rogues gallery.
Arp 24 = NGC 3445/UGC 6021. FOV = 3.7' X 2.9'.
North to right. The more northern galaxy is NGC 3445. The smaller galaxy
to the east is UGC 6021. The small galaxy to the northwest is
the background galaxy 2MASS XJ10544552+5659588.
Arp 105.
North is down and east to the right.
The northern (bottom) galaxy is NGC 3561A;
the southern (top) galaxy is NGC 3561.
Arp 105 HI contours, from Duc et al. (1997).
Arp 280 = NGC 3769/3769A. FOV = 3.7' X 2.9'.
North is down. The more northern galaxy is NGC 3769.
Arp 280 HI Clemens (1998) FOV 11' X 13'
Arp 87 = NGC 3808 FOV = 3.7' X 2.9'.
North is up.
Arp 294 = NGC 3786/8.
FOV = 11.3' X 9.0'.
North is to the left. The more northern galaxy is NGC 3788.
An unpublished
Arp 294 VLA HI map is available from Carole Mundell, but is not yet
in the HI Rogues gallery.
Arp 194 = UGC 6945.
North is up and east to the left.
Arp 305 = NGC 4016/7.
FOV = 11.3' X 9.0'.
North is up. NGC 4016 is the more northern galaxy.
Arp 305 = NGC 4016/7 has been imaged in HI with the Westerbork Synthesis
Radio Telescope (WSRT) by van Moorsel (1983) (above), but has not yet been
observed in HI with the VLA.
Arp 244 (NGC 4038/9 = the Antennae)
Arp 244 (NGC 4038/9) HI contours, from Hibbard et al. (2001).
Arp 269 (NGC 4485/90).
North is up and east to the left.
Arp 269 HI. From Clemens, Alexander, and Green (1998,
MNRAS, 297, 1015).
Arp 120 (NGC 4435/8).
North is down. NGC 4438 is the larger
galaxy to the south.
Arp 120 HI, VLA D-Array HI contours.
Li and van Gorkom, VLA Conference Proc.
Arp 34 = NGC 4613/4/5. FOV = 5.5' X 4.4'.
North to left. The more southern galaxy is NGC 4614. The spiral
to the northeast is NGC 4615. The small galaxy in the north (which is
at the same redshift) is NGC 4613.
Arp 242 (NGC 4676) HI contours. From Hibbard and van Gorkom (1996).
Arp 240 = NGC 5257/8 FOV = 4.5' X 3.5'.
North to right. NGC 5458 up (east), NGC 5457 down (west).
HI and CO maps of Arp 240 from Iono et al. (2005).
Arp 85 (M51) HI contours on DSS image (Rots et al. 1990).
Arp 104 = NGC 5216/18. FOV = 11.3' X 9.0'.
North is down. The more northern galaxy is NGC 5218.
Arp 104 HI Higdon et al., VLA Conf. Proc.
NOTE: HI and CO data of Arp 104 are presented in Cullen
et al. (2007), MNRAS, in press (astro-ph/0701452).
NGC 4567.
Digitized Sky Survey image
(not in Arp Atlas).
A broadband B image of NGC 4567, with
various display stretches (from P. Appleton).
An H-alpha image of NGC 4567,
in black and white and in color (from P. Appleton).
A broadband R image of NGC 4567.
(from P. Appleton).
NGC 4567 HI
and CO. Iono, Yun, and Ho 2005, ApJS, in press (astro-ph/0501588).
Arp 84 = NGC 5394/5 = the Heron Galaxy. FOV = 5.5' X 4.4'.
North is up. NGC 5394 is to the north, NGC 5395 to the south.
Arp 84 HI Kaufman et al. (1999) FOV 8' X 9'
Arp 84 HI and CO,
from Iono, Yun, and Ho (2005).
Arp 271 = NGC 5426/7. FOV = 5.5' X 4.4'.
North down. NGC 5426 to south (up), NGC 5427 to north (down).
Arp 271 HI Clemens (1998) FOV 15.6' X 11'
Arp 297 = NGC 5752/53/54/55 FOV = 11.3' X 9.0'.
North to left. The big spiral to the left (north) is NGC 5755;
the big spiral to the right is NGC 5754.
The two pairs are at different redshifts (Arp 297N, the pair to the
north, is higher redshift).
Arp 261.
FOV = 11.3' X 9.0'.
North is up. The double galaxy to the south is
Arp 261. The smaller galaxy to the north (which is
at the same redshift) is KTS 52C.
Arp 173 = UGC 9561/UGC 9561 NOTES01. FOV = 3.7' X 2.9'.
North is down. UGC 9561 is the more southern galaxy, with the long
Arp 136 = NGC 5820
FOV = 3.7' X 2.9'.
North is down.
NGC 5820
is the
large galaxy in the center of the image.
The small galaxy at the top of the image (to the south) is SBS 1457+540,
which is a background galaxy.
NGC 5820=Arp 136 has another equal-mass galaxy, NGC 5820,
nearby, at the same redshift. It is shown in the following picture.
A DSS image centered on Arp 136 = NGC 5820.
Note the second large spiral NGC 5821 nearby, outside of the Arp field of view.
This has the same redshift as NGC 5820.
Arp 254 = NGC 5917/MCG-01-39-003.
North is down.
NGC 5917 is the more northern object. MCG-01-39-003 is the
object in the south with the long tail.
Arp 91 = NGC 5953/5954.
North is up and east to the left.
Arp 72 = NGC 5994/6 FOV = 3.7' X 2.9'.
North to left. NGC 5996 is the large galaxy; NGC 5994 is the small galaxy.
NOTE: Saikia has an unpublished HI map of this
Arp 101 = UGC 10164/10169.
5.5' X 4.4'.
North is down. UGC 10169 is the more northern object with the long
Arp 103 = UGC 10586
NOTES 03,04,05. FOV = 3.7' X 2.9'.
North is up.
From north to south, the galaxies are named in NED as NOTES05, 03, and 04.
Arp 102 HI contours on DSS map.
Higdon, VLA Conference Proc.
Arp 298 (NGC 7469/IC 5283).
The galaxy with the outer
ring is NGC 7469.
Arp 298 HI contours on DSS map.
Mundell, VLA Conference Proc.
Arp 284 (NGC 7714/5) HI map. Smith, Struck, and Pogge (1997).
Arp 295 FOV = 11.3' X 9.0.
North is up, east is to the left. Arp 295B is in the northeast (upper left).
Arp 295 HI Hibbard and van Gorkom (1996) FOV 15' X 15'
Arp 86 = NGC 7752/3; FOV = 5.5' X 4.4'.
North to left. The larger galaxy is NGC 7753; the smaller is NGC 7752.