The table below lists the reading for each of the topics you will be responsible for on Test 2. See the 2150 tests section of this web site to view old tests and answer sheets.
Important! The old tests do not match exactly with the material for which you will be responsible.
If you are looking for more problems to challenge yourself with as you study, be sure to check out the problems located at the end of each chapter. Unfortunately, many of them are just like the ones from the old tests, so the old tests are still your best source for questions, especially since the old tests have answer keys.
Topic | Reading | Comments |
Standard boolean expression formats | Chapter 6 | |
Karnaugh maps | Chapter 7 | Two web sites of interest are Rules of Simplification and Interactive Karnaugh. If you don't find them helpful, don't worry about it. |
Digital Applications | Sections 8.1 and 8.2 from Chapter 8 | Just make sure you understand the process of taking a digital design from concept to logic as I did in these sections. I'm not worried if you can design specifically the adder or seven-segment display driver. Remember that this lecture is available on the ETSU streaming media server. (part 1, part 2, and part 3) |
Active low signals | Section 8.3 from Chapter 8 | This is more to make sure you understand the term when I use it. |
Decoders | Section 8.4 from Chapter 8 | This is that section where you create an active low signal that goes low for exactly one condition on the inputs. |
Multiplexers | Section 8.5 from Chapter 8 | These little devices use digital control inputs to route one of several data inputs to a single data output. |
Demultiplexers | Section 8.6 from Chapter 8 | These little devices use digital control inputs to route one data input to one of multiple data outputs. |
Latches/Memory cells | Chapter 10 | Understand sections 10.1 through 10.5. Don't worry about Sections 10.6 or 10.7 - there won't be any questions on that material. |
State machines | Chapter 11 | Once again, make sure you can take a state machine design from concept to logic. Also make sure you understand the architecture of the basic state machine. |
Created by David Tarnoff for use by his sections of CSCI 2150.