Leonard Euler - Happy 300th Birthday!

by Dr. Bob Gardner
Department of Mathematics
East Tennessee State University

Leonard Euler (April 15, 1707 - September 18, 1783)

In celebration of the 300th anniversary of Leonard Euler's birth (he was born April 15, 1707), the Dr. Bob Gardner of the ETSU Math Department gave a seminar describing Euler's life and some of his work. Click on the links below for more information:

Some Other Relevant Websites

  1. The Leonhard Euler Tercentenary - Basel 2007
  2. The Leonard Euler biography from The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive.
  3. The Euler Archive at Dartmouth College math Department.

Cake for the April 4, 2007 seminar.

Audience members.

Return to Bob Gardner's webpage.