Numerical Control Programming
Chapter 1
What Is Numerical Control & What Does It Do?

Review Questions

  1. Define the process of numerical control.
  2. Explain what a numerical control machine is.
  3. Name the two major components of a CAD/CAM system.
  4. What is the meaning of the acronym "CAD"?
  5. What is the meaning of the acronym "CAM"?
  6. What is the more common name for CAM?
  7. What functions do an N/C controller perform?
  8. What causes computers to make mistakes?
  9. Name the two kinds of computers.
  10. List three categories of general purpose computers.
  11. What are the two kinds of special-purpose computers?
  12. What can a sophisticated CAD system do that a less-sophisticated CAD system can't do?
  13. What kinds of skills and knowledge must an N/C programmer possess?
  14. How can the process of N/C programming be simplified and speeded up?
  15. What are the differences between an N/C open-loop system and a closed-loop system?
  16. Where are open-loop systems used?
  17. Where are closed-loop systems used?
  18. What are the advantages and disadvantages of an open-loop system?
  19. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a closed-loop system?
  20. What can a stepping motor do that a DC servomotor can't do?
  21. What can a DC servomotor do that a stepping motor can't do?
  22. What purpose does a resolver serve in a closed-loop system?
  23. What are the two kinds of resolvers used in closed-loop systems?
  24. Why are ball screws used on N/C machines?
  25. Name two "ancestors" of the N/C machine.
  26. Why did the advent of CNC make it easier to edit an N/C program?
  27. What is a canned cycle?
  28. What is meant by drip feeding programs?
  29. What is the function of a transfer line and its advantage over N/C?
  30. Describe several advantages and disadvantages of N/C compared to manual machining processes.

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Chapter 2 -- How Does Numerical Control Work?

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Updated Jan. 9, 2002
Copyright © 1988-2002 by George Stanton and Bill Hemphill
All Rights Reserved