Language Skills Handbook home page
TOC:  Introduction
TOC:  Grammar and Usage
TOC:  Written Reports page
TOC:  Oral Presentations
TOC:  A Few Words on Plagiarism
TOC:  ETSU Resources
TOC:  Credits and Copyright

Table of Contents

Language Skills Handbook
On-line Edition


Why all the fuss about language skills?
Why was this handbook developed?
About this handbook
What is expected from you
How will you get these skills?

Grammar and Usage

Ten basic rules
Common grammar errors
     Avoid lack of subject-verb agreement
     Avoid double negatives
     Avoid sentence fragments
     Avoid run-on sentences
     Avoid confusing verb forms and tenses
     Avoid confusing pronoun case forms
     Avoid misplaced modifiers
     Avoid redundancy
     Avoid slang, jargon, and clichés
Spelling and word choice
Use punctuation correctly to facilitate communication
Language to avoid
     Avoid stereotyping
     Avoid sexist language
     Avoid gender-specific words
     Avoid biased language

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Formal Written Reports

About this chapter
Writing to Learn vs. Writing to Communicate
Laboratory Reports vs. Technical Papers
     Remember the audience
     Laboratory reports
          Musts, must nots, & suggestions for lab reports
     Technical papers
     Order of the Pages
          Title page, Abstract, Table of Contents, Body, Appendices
     Page Layout and Formatting Information
Settings for word processors and typewriters
         Margins, Line Length/Alignment, Line Spacing, Hyphenation
         Page Headers, Page Footers
              Pitch or Size, Character Weights, Underlining vs. Italic
         Symbols Typefaces
Tables and Figures
     Figures and other graphical images
Computer Source Code
APA-style Citations, Quotes, and List of References
     APA-style Citations
     Direct Quotations
     List of References
The DOs and DON'Ts for Written Reports
Written Report Checklist

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Oral Presentations

     The Introduction
     The Body
     The Conclusion
Delivery Methods
Presentation Delivery
Visual Aids
     Slides, transparencies, and video displays
     Show-and-tell articles (props)
The DOs and DON'Ts of Oral Presentations
Oral Presentation Checklist

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A Few Words on Plagiarism

ETSU Resources

The Writing & Communication Center
Sherrod Library
     Reference materials
Library Media Center (LMC)
     Videotapes of interest
University Writing Lab/Mac Lab
Computer Labs/Word Processing

Credits and Copyright

Back to the Language Skill Handbook Homepage Previous section: Language Skills Handbook home page Back to the top of this page Next section: Introduction

Last updated on Thursday, Sept. 5, 2019 by Bill Hemphill