- Principle Investigator,
Captain of
the research vessel
C. Jones
Ecology, Neuroethology, Science Education
Jones, TC, TS Akoury, CK Hauser, & D Moore.
Evidence of circadian rhythm in antipredator behaviour in the
orb-weaving spider Larinioides cornutus. in press Anim. Behav. |
Jones, TC, TS Akoury, CK Hauser, MF Neblett II, BJ Linville, AA
Edge, NO Weber. Octopamine and serotonin have
opposite effects on antipredator behavior in the orb-weaving
spider, Larinioides
Comp Physiol A 197:819-825.
Jones, TC, JN Pruitt, & SE Riechert. 2010. Fecundity and
reproductive success in a socially polymorphic spider: social
individuals experience depressed fitness when in isolation. Ecological Entomology
35: 684-690
pdf |
Yasukawa, K, DE Enstrom, PG Parker,
& TC Jones. 2010. Male Red winged Blackbirds with
experimentally dulled epaulets experience no disadvantage in
sexual selection. The Journal of Field Ornithology
Yasukawa, K, DE Enstrom, PG Parker,
& TC Jones. 2009. Epaulet color and sexual selection in redwing
blackbirds: a field experiment. The Condor 111:740-751
pdf |
Jones, TC & TF Laughlin.
2010. PopGen Fishbowl: a free, online simulation of
microevolutionary processes.The American Biology Teacher
pdf |
Jones, TC & TF Laughlin.
2009. Learning to measure biodiversity: two agent-based models
simulate sampling methods and provide data for calculating
diversity indices. The American Biology Teacher
pdf |
Jones, TC & SE Riechert.
2008. Patterns of reproductive success associated with social
structure and microclimate in a spider system. Animal Behaviour
76:2011-2019. pdf |
TC & PG Parker. 2008. First male sperm precedence in multiply-mated
females of the cooperative spider Anelosimus studiosus
(Araneae, Theridiidae) J. Arachnology 36:527-532.
pdf |
Riechert, SE & TC Jones. 2008. Phenotypic variation in
the social behaviour of the spider, Anelosimus studiosus
along a latitudinal gradient. Animal Behaviour 75:1893-1902.
Pruitt, J. N., S. E. Riechert. & T. C. Jones
2008 Behavioural correlates and competitive consequences
of sociality in a behaviourally polymorphic social spider.
Animal Behaviour 76:871-879.
pdf |
Jones, TC, SE Riechert SE Dalrymple & PG Parker. 2007.
Fostering model explains environmental variation in levels
of sociality in a spider system. Animal Behaviour 73:195-204.
pdf |
Perkins, TA, SE Riechert, TC Jones. 2007. Interactions between
the social spider Anelosimus studiosus (Araneae, Theridiidae)
and foreign spiders that frequent its nests. J. Arachnology
Jones, TC & PG Parker. 2002. Delayed dispersal
benefits both mother and offspring in the cooperative spider
Anelosimus studiosus (Araneae: Theridiidae).
Behavioural Ecology 13:142-148.
pdf |
Riechert, SE, FD Singer & TC Jones. 2001. High gene
flow levels lead to gamete wastage in a desert spider system.
Genetica 112/113: 297-319.
pdf |
Jones, TC & PG Parker. 2000. Costs and benefits
of foraging associated with delayed dispersal in the spider
Anelosimus studiosus (Araneae: Theridiidae). J. Arachnol.
pdf |
Huyvaert, KP, DJ Anderson, TC Jones, W Duan & PG Parker.
2000. Extra-pair paternity in Waved albatrosses.
Molecular Ecology. 9: 1415-1419 SEP 2000.
Parker, PG, TC Jones, J Haydock, J Dickinson & BD Worden.
2000. Multilocus minisatellite DNA fingerprinting and
cooperative breeding. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol.
Jones, TC & MA Gates. 1994. A morphometric study
of euryhalinity in marine populations of the ciliate genus
Euplotes. J. Eukary. Microbiol., 41:303-316.
Jones, TC & MA Gates. 1994. A morphometric analysis of the
Euplotes charon morphotype (Ciliophora: Euplotida). J.
Eukary. Microbiol., 41:441-450.
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