1956 – The
Creation of a King:
The Year
That Established Elvis Presley’s Career
by Katie Bibee – zkjb32@goldmail.etsu.edu
for Advanced Composition, East TN State U, December 2011
For Elvis Aaron Presley, 1956 was an epic and life-changing year. “Heartbreak Hotel,” his first single with RCA records was recorded and released in January and became a number one hit, and by December 31 of the same year, he was famous worldwide. Within this one pivotal year Elvis sold ten million singles and well over three million EP and LP records and was well on his way to becoming the King of Rock and Roll.
Born March 7, 1989, I could easily say that I was not raised during “Elvis Presley’s time.” I could also go on to explain that he was not particularly relevant to my life growing up. Although my parents are both music fans, I don’t recall them ever playing Elvis’ music around the house. My dad, who plays guitar, has always been more inclined to bluegrass music and my mom enjoys just about anything good that she happens to hear. There were no Elvis posters in our home and I don’t particularly recall ever being encouraged to watch one of his old films. To this day, despite a few minor similarities in ethnicity and geography, it can be easily concluded that Elvis Presley and I have absolutely nothing in common. However, while I cannot state a single logical reason for someone like me to appreciate someone like him, I have defied the odds with my miraculous admiration and love for Elvis Presley.
While I can’t explain my odd obsession with someone who died twelve years before I was born, I can pinpoint when it began. After a quick trip to Memphis when I was fourteen, I realized that I had missed an opportunity to visit the infamous Graceland. While I regretted this, I also realized how little I knew about the man they called the “King.” This sparked an interest in Elvis within me that could not be reversed. After purchasing the collective album, “ELV1S: 30 #1 Hits,” I quickly became obsessed with the album and the man behind the music. In fact, prior to embracing actual medication, this album was the Zoloft that helped me through my adolescent years.
In addition to listening to his 30 greatest hits on replay, I also became interested in Elvis’ personal life and film career. I began collecting posters and books with biographical information and images of him in his early years, never once denying amongst friends the fact that I was in love with the pop icon of our grandparents. This proved to be the one teenage girl’s crush in history that did not fizzle out over time. To this day it remains a question in the minds of my peers whether my appreciation for Elvis Presley means that I am endearingly eccentric and musically cultured, or merely bat shit crazy. The truth is, my passion for Elvis aside, I have come to realize that it would be utterly incomprehensible for me, or anyone who has inhabited this earth since 1956, to claim that they were not raised during “Elvis Presley’s time.”
1935-1955: Setting the Stage
Born January 8, 1935 to parents Vernon and Gladys Presley in Tupelo, Mississippi, was a baby boy by the name of Elvis Aaron Presley. Though born and raised to an impoverished life in Mississippi, the young boy’s surroundings were rich with musical influence and culture. Having been exposed by radio to various types of country, gospel, and blues, Elvis, showing both a talent for and an interest in music, began to perform for anyone who would listen. Recognizing their son’s musical passion and potential, Elvis’ parents gave him his first guitar on his eleventh birthday. Just a few years later, when Elvis was 13, the family moved to Memphis, Tennessee in hopes of making a better life .(Evans 12-19)It was here that Elvis was able to further nurture his passion for music, allowing his style to develop and evolve. After graduating from Humes High School in 1953, Presley began his singing career by signing with Sun Records in 1954. (Simpson, pars. 3-4)
It was with Sun Records that Elvis recorded and released his very first single. With guitarist Scotty Moore and bassist Bill Black, Elvis covered a blues tune originally performed by Arthur Crudup called “That’s Alright Mama.” Presley went on to record five singles with Sun Records. (Rockability)
To hear Elvis’
first ever single, “That’s Alright Mama,” visit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1s-E1WWipc.
In addition to “That’s Alright Mama,” his Sun recordings included “Blue Moon of Kentucky,” “Good Rockin’ Tonight,” “Baby Let’s Play House,” and “Mystery Train.” Each of these sold well in the Memphis area initially, then began to gain popularity among country audiences in the South by 1955. (Rockability)
While Elvis Presley’s recordings with Sun Records had already achieved regional success from West Texas to Tennessee, it wasn’t until he signed with RCA in November of 1955 that Presley really began his path to fame. It was January 10, 1956 when Elvis began his first recordings for RCA. The recordings were made in Nashville, Tennessee and featured Elvis’ backup musicians, Scotty Moore, Bill Black, and D.J. Fontana as well as an additional guitarist, a pianist, and three backup singers. It was during this session that Elvis’ life changing single, “Heartbreak Hotel,” was born.
“Heartbreak Hotel”
the single’s release on January 27, 1956, “Heartbreak Hotel” quickly climbed to
the top of Billboard’s Top 100. Not only was this Elvis’ first single to go
platinum, it was also the best selling single of 1956 – period. This track had
an immense effect on music in America, establishing Rock and Roll as a popular
and successful genre, and even went on to cross international territory,
influencing artists such as John Lennon. In fact, after being originally
touched and inspired by “Heartbreak Hotel,” Lennon has gone on to claim that without
Presley, there would be no Beatles, at least not the same infamous Beatles that
we know and love. (Connolly)
To hear “Heartbreak Hotel,” go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PotB76gi2_4.
Elvis’ debut album was released on March 23, 1956 featuring seven recent recordings with RCA, as well as five previously recorded tracks he made with Sun Records. Far more versatile than most albums today, the self-titled collection featured two country songs and one pop song in addition to the rest of his signature rock and roll tracks with a hint of R&B. This became the first ever rock and roll album to top the Billboard chart and held its position there for 10 weeks.
Elvis Presley [1956]
Debut Album
Track List and Cover
Side one |
Time |
(Eder AllMusic) |
1 |
“Blue Suede Shoes” 1:58 |
2 |
“I’m Counting on You” 2:22 |
3 |
“I Got a Woman” 2:23 |
4 |
“One-Sided Love Affair” 2:10 |
5 |
“I Love You Because” 2:41 |
6 |
“Just Because” 2:31 |
Side two |
1 |
“Tutti Frutti” 1:57 |
2 |
“Trying to Get to You” 2:31 |
3 |
“I’m Gonna Sit Right Down and Cry (Over You)” 2:01 |
4 |
“I’ll Never Let You Go (Little Darlin)” 2:22 |
5 |
“Blue Moon” 2:40 |
6 |
“Money Honey” 2:33 |
After his initial visit on January 28th, Elvis made multiple appearances throughout the year on The Dorsey Brothers “Stage Show,” recorded by CBS in New York. He also appeared twice on both “The Milton Berle Show” and “The Ed Sullivan Show,” and once on “The Steve Allen Show.” It was here that the audience was exposed to the charismatic man behind the music, with Elvis bringing his live and exceedingly controversial performances to the homes of America.
For a recording of Elvis’ first
ever television appearance on the “Stage Show” January 28th, 1956,
visit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcmA4XoqTVA.
-November, 1956-
Movie Debut
Love Me Tender - 1956
By the end of the year, Elvis Presley was a movie star, having played the role of Clint Reno in the film Love Me Tender. The movie premiered on November 15 at the Paramount Theater in New York City and went on to have its national release on November 21, 1956. This was the beginning of a highly successful and lucrative movie career for Elvis, launching him to a whole new level of stardom. (Early Elvis)
-Beyond 1956-
Not only was ‘56 a big year for Elvis Presley, but thanks to him 1956 was a big year for music worldwide. It was during this one incredible year that Elvis established and popularized Rock and Roll. This was the year that a white boy from the south bore his soul to the world and became a musical King. His fearlessness, talent, and downright sex appeal sparked an epic cultural movement, paving the way for some of the most celebrated celebrity icons in history such as The Beatles. As put beautifully by a fellow Rock and Roll icon and one of The Beatles most celebrated members, John Lennon, “Before Elvis there was nothing.”
About the Author: Katie
Bibee has been a devoted Elvis Presley fan since the age of 14. While most of
her classmates were shamelessly fawning over
high school athletes or painting their fingernails black, listening to Rage
Against the Machine, Bibee was neither secretive nor shameful about her love
for the one and only Elvis Presley. Bibee has long decided and maintained that
the man she is most intrigued with is the Elvis as he was in 1956.
Connolly, Ray. "What If Elvis Presley Had Never Been Born? - Telegraph." Telegraph.co.uk - Telegraph Online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph - Telegraph. 16 Aug. 2007. Web. 30 Oct. 2011. <http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/rockandjazzmusic/3667263/What-if-Elvis-Presley-had-never-been-born.html>.
This article pays respect to Elvis Presley and points out advances in society, music, etc. we may never have made without him. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/rockandjazzmusic/3667263/What-if-Elvis-Presley-had-never-been-born.html
"Culture Shock: Flashpoints: Music and Dance: Elvis Presley." PBS: Public Broadcasting Service. Web. 30 Oct. 2011. <http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/cultureshock/flashpoints/music/elvis_a.html>.
"Early Elvis - Facts and Fiction about His Music." American Music Preservation. Web. 02 Nov. 2011. <http://www.americanmusicpreservation.com/earlyelvis.htm>.
Includes photos, facts, etc. about Elvis. http://www.americanmusicpreservation.com/earlyelvis.htm
Eder, Bruce. "Elvis Presley [1956] - Elvis Presley." AllMusic. Web. 30 Oct. 2011. <http://www.allmusic.com/album/elvis-presley-1956-r551799/review>.
This URL provides a brief yet informative review of Elvis' first full album with RCA records. http://www.allmusic.com/album/elvis-presley-1956-r551799/review
"Elvis Presley - 1st TV Appearance I Got a Woman Good Quality.mpg - YouTube."YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Web. 02 Nov. 2011. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcmA4XoqTVA>.
Footage of Elvis' first television performance. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcmA4XoqTVA
"Elvis Presley Biography." Rockabilly Rules Radio. 28 Mar. 2011. Web. 30 Oct. 2011. <http://rockabillyrulesradio.blogspot.com/2011/03/elvis-presley-biography.html>.
"Elvis Presley - Heartbreak Hotel - YouTube." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Web. 02 Nov. 2011. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PotB76gi2_4>.
Audio and Video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PotB76gi2_4
"Elvis Presley That's Alright Mama 1954 - YouTube." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Web. 02 Nov. 2011. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1s-E1WWipc>.
Audio and Video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1s-E1WWipc
Evans, Mike. Elvis: a Celebration : Images of Elvis Presley from the Elvis Presley Archive at Graceland. New York: DK Pub., 2004. 6-152, Print.
Although the cover text would imply that this source provides only visual images of the subject, the book is actually full of useful facts and information delivered in the form of summaries and captions. I would recommend this source for anyone with an interest in Elvis Presley. The first three chapters were provided important facts and the most helpful was chapter 3, "Shake, Rattle & Roll," which is mostly dedicated to 1956.
Simpson, Paul. "Elvis Presley 1956 : The King of Rock 'n' Roll." Elvis Presley Music - His Music, Concerts, Movies and Life in Video and Audio - Elvis Presley The King Of Rock 'N' Roll Music. Web. 30 Oct. 2011. <http://www.elvispresleymusic.com.au/elvis_presley_1956.html>.
This is a timeline of every Elvis concert, recording, TV appearance, etc. in 1956. It provides a better understanding of event sequence, career development, and progress made throughout this year. http://www.elvispresleymusic.com.au/elvis_presley_1956.html
Simpson, Paul. "Elvis Presley Biography." Elvis Presley Biography. Comprehensive History of Elvis Presley's Dynamic Life : Elvis Presley Biography : Official Elvis Presley Fan Club : Elvis Australia : Elvis Presley Biography,elvis Presley. For Elvis Fans Only, 8 Jan. 2004. Web. 30 Oct. 2011. <http://biography.elvis.com.au/>.
All the way from Australia, this website is a fantastic dedication to Elvis. I focused specifically on the biography section. http://biography.elvis.com.au/