Engl 3130 Advanced Composition, Fall 2018

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last update: November 28, 2018 


Class meets on Wednesday evenings from 4pm to 6:50pm in Burleson 304. 

BAM = Best American Magazine Writing 2017 

SS = The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person's Guide to Writing in the 21st Century, by Steven Pinker


Week 1 (Weds Aug 29)

Introductions. Writing process. What makes good writing?


Week 2 (Weds Sep 5) 

- 1500 word rough draft of essay 1, Narrative, due. Write at least 1500 words. Don't worry too much about the quality of it. Just jump in and write! As always, on draft days, bring two extra copies (a total of 3 copies) for a writing workshop. 

Click here for an ms word version of a writing response sheet: http://faculty.etsu.edu/odonnell/readings/WritingResponseWorksheet.docx. Print two copies of the sheet and bring those to class.

- Browse the UNC-Chapel Hill Writing Center Handouts on Writing Groups: writingcenter.unc.edu/handouts/writing-groups/. Read "Responding to Other People's Writing"--writingcenter.unc.edu/handouts/writing-groups/responding-to-other-peoples-writing/-- and read "Reacting to Other People's Responses to Your Writing"-- writingcenter.unc.edu/handouts/writing-groups/reacting-to-other-peoples-responses-to-your-writing/--at the UNC Writing Center website.

- In BAM read "Introduction," pix-xiii; read David Quammen, "Yellowstone: Wild Heart of a Continent," p303-309.  Bring BAM to class, and be prepared to discuss those selections.


Week 3 (Weds Sep 12)

- Essay 1, revised, due for a grade. Also bring to class the rough draft, to submit along with the revised essay. 

- Bring your grammar handbook to class.

- Browse the "Tech Writing" essays on the "Model Student Essays" page.

- Read the following professional examples of tech writing, online:

- "36 Hours in Asheville, N. C." By Shaila Dewan. New York Times, Oct 13, 2016.  www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/10/10/travel/what-to-do-36-hours-in-asheville-north-carolina.html 
- "The Bacon Explosion: Take Bacon. Add Sausage. Blog." Food article and recipe, New York Times online, January 27, 2009. www.nytimes.com/2009/01/28/dining/28bacon.html 

- In BAM read "Ladies in Waiting" by Becca Rothfield, p437-451.


Week 4 (Weds Sep 19)

- 1500 word rough draft of essay 2, Tech Writing, due. As always, on draft days, bring two extra copies (a total of 3 copies) for a writing workshop. 

Click here for an ms word version of a writing response sheet: http://faculty.etsu.edu/odonnell/readings/WritingResponseWorksheet.docx. Print two copies of the sheet and bring those to class.

- On Youtube, view "Great Pacific Garbage Patch." By Hank Green and the youtube channel SciShow. Published on August 7, 2012. Running time: 3:22. www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nh6lkv1udb0 

- In The Sense of Style, read "Prologue" p1-9, and "Chapter 1: Good Writing" p11-26.  Bring the book to class.  We'll discuss it at some length. 


Week 5 (Weds Sep 26)

- Essay 2 due.

- Bring your grammar handbook to class.

- In SS, read "Chapter 3: The Curse of Knowledge--the main cause of incomprehensible prose is the difficulty of imagining what it's like for someone else not to know something that you know," p57-76.

- Browse the "Review/ Criticism" essays on the "Model Student Essays" page.

- Read, here online, "Steven Pinker’s ‘The Sense of Style’" [book review]. By Charles McGrath. The New York Times Sunday Book Review, October 17, 2014. www.nytimes.com/2014/10/19/books/review/steven-pinker-the-sense-of-style-review.html

- In BAM read "Giantess" by Rebecca Solnit, p428-435. 


Week 6 (Weds Oct 3) 

- 1500 word rough draft of essay 3, Review/ Criticism, due. As always, on draft days, bring two extra copies (a total of 3 copies) for a writing workshop. 

- In BAM read "Listening for the Country" by Zandria F. Robinson, p491-511. 


Week 7 (Weds Oct 10)

- Essay 3 due.

- Bring your grammar handbook to class.

 - Browse the "Writing from Sources" essays on the "Model Student Essays" page.

- Online, read "The Answer Man: An ancient poem was rediscovered—and the world swerved." By Stephen Greenblatt. The New Yorker, August 8, 2011. www.newyorker.com/reporting/2011/08/08/110808fa_fact_greenblatt 


Due: Topic proposal for essay 4, Writing from Sources. Write a memo to me and your classmates, proposing a topic for the essay that you will write. Consider the following guidelines: 

1. Include a tentative, working title for the essay you propose to write (including a subtitle after the colon). 

2. Describe why you are interested in the topic, and why you are qualified to write about it. 

3. If you are choosing, for this essay, to revisit a topic about which you've already written: describe the previous writing you've done on this same topic. 

4. Also, include at least one complete, formal citation for one good written source that you plan to use for your essay. Write an annotation for that source -- that is, a short paragraph describing the source and how you think it will be useful for your essay. 


Week 8  (Weds Oct 17) 

- Wikipedia writing exercise due:  Edit a wikipedia article.  Then write a concise memo, addressed to me, and to your Engl 3130 classmates, providing the exact information a reader would need in order to see what changes you made to the article. 

- Bring to class 2 sources that you are using for you essay 4.  If a given source is a published book, or if you have a printout (hard copy), bring the printed copy to class.  If a source exists primarily online, bring the url and a hard copy of a full written citation; be ready to present and discuss. 

- Read the section entitled "Key differences in MLA 8th Edition," in A Complete Guide to MLA 8th Edition, here online at easybib.com: www.easybib.com/guides/citation-guides/mla-8/ultimate-guide-mla-eighth-edition/.  Also, browse the rest of that page. 


Week 9 (Weds Oct 24) 

Draft of essay 4, Writing from Sources, due.  Be sure your draft includes a complete bibliography.  As always, on draft days, bring two extra copies (a total of 3 copies) for a writing workshop. 


Week 10 (Weds Oct 31)  Essay 4 due. 


Week 11 (Weds Nov 7) 

- Draft of essay 5, Writing in the Nonfiction Genre of Your Choice, due. 

- In BAM, read "President Trump, Seriously" by Matt Taibbi, p163-184. 


Week 12 (Weds Nov 14) Essay 5 due. 

In SS, by Steven Pinker, read the intro to Chapter 6, "Telling Right from Wrong," p187-201.  Also read the entry entitled "adjectives and adverbs," p201-203. 

In BAM, read "Delusion is the Thing with Feathers" by McClelland, p3-22.


Week 13  Thanksgiving!

Due by Monday, November 19:  Email me a revision proposal: Write a memo to me and your classmates, in which you discuss your plans for revising your best essay. Which of your five essays do you plan to revise? What is its title? Describe the piece. Why are you choosing to revise it? What qualities does this essay have, which will lead it to find a genuine audience on the internet? What specific revisions do you plan to make, so that the essay will be ready to send out into the world? 


Week 14 (Weds Nov 28)  Revising your best essay. 

In SS, read "preposition at the end of a sentence" p220-222, and  "who and whom" p240-243, and "commas..." p285-294.

In BAM, read "The Improvisational Oncologist" by Mukherjee, p 115-129.


Week 15 (Weds Dec 5)  Revision of your best essay due.  Guidelines for submission:

1. Bring a printed copy to class.  That is the version of the essay that I will read and grade. 

2. Also, email me an electronic version, as an attachment, by 4pm: odonnell@etsu.edu  I prefer an ms word file. 

3. Save the file with your complete title in the "title" field.  Also include 3 indexing terms in the "tags" field.  You'll be able to see the "title" and "tags" field when you select "save as." 

4. At the top of your essay, include an email address, which strangers can use to contact you.

5. If you do not want your name on the essay, when it's on the web, then write under a pseudonymn instead.


    Final exam period: Wednesday December 12, 6-8pm